Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sad Day in Sub World...

Well I had heard it to be rumored but did not want to believe it myself. Now after reading this article in Wired News, I have no other reason to accept this rumor as truth. Subway has officially discontinued their Sub Stamps reward program. I don't know about you but that's a pretty big deal.

As someone who loves to eat at Subway, both when I have the time and money, the Subcard was such a great thing. I mean on those nights at school when I'm hungry but don't have cash, I would pull out that coveted Subcard covered in stamps and redeem it with a victorious smile knowing that my stomach would be pleased as well.

The article goes on to explain the reason for the discontinuation was that people were actually counterfeiting stamps and selling them on eBay and such. Thanks to the morons of the world for ruining another good thing for the hard working people of North America who just want a free sub! Subway reps say they might implement another rewards system sometime in the's hoping.

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