Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back in Black...or Something...

Home sweet home after 3 months on the road…and the first thing I blog about is blogging. Not just any old blogging but blogging made easier due to an add on to Microsoft Word. Very ingenious blogger.com, you have simplified my life even more. No longer am I tied down to going on line and signing in but I can simply open a Word document and away I go. Check it out all you bloggers.

So the big question is how was your summer right? Well it isn’t exactly easy to sum up 3 months into a nicely packaged post. So what I will do is time to time, when I remember stuff, is post some of the highlights from the summer. Today’s highlight being San Francisco. That’s right I got to go to California. It was sweet, the 4th of July, downtown San Fran with a cover band providing such background music as Journey and Guns ‘n’ Roses for fireworks over the Bay. Did I mention that the Hard Rock CafĂ© in San Fran is pretty tight? I posted some pictures from San Fran down below of the Golden Gate Bridge, Downtown San Fran and of course Alcatraz, oh and on a side note make sure you watch the movie The Rock with Sean Connery & Nick Cage if you haven’t seen it.

In other news I only bought 2 CDs over the whole summer and I cherish both of them. The first was the new Fall Out Boy CD, in essence it is simply amazing. I mean any band that gets their name from the Simpson’s has to be cool right? It is a definite owner for sure. Next is a band called Copeland. Now at the time I had though that I had heard of them before but I wasn’t really sure so I went out on a limb and bought their CD. By far the best buy for the summer. I don’t know how to describe them; you simply have to hear them for yourself.

Alright that’s it for now…I’m going to making a few changes to the old blog here over the next week so I hope you like it, until next time.

San Fran Pics