Friday, September 09, 2005

Popularity...of the Virtual Kind

So as of late I have noticed a particular trend…the more often I blog, the more often people will visit my site. I guess in it’s entirety it is not a new concept, I mean if you can post regularly about things that have some kind of relevance to people or are even remotely interesting, people will check. If people know that you usually only post once a week, then they will only check for updates once a week if that, but if they know that you post often and on no certain schedule then they will check back more often. That’s my internet advice for ya’ll today.

Oh and incase you don’t stay up-to-date on the technology front let me fill you in on another addition to Apple’s line up of iPods.

It’s the new iPod Nano. Check out Apple’s website for all the specs but in a nutshell it looks pretty dang sweet. Now as much as iPods are sweet and all and I want one, don’t get me wrong, sometimes I wonder whether or not to get one. I mean the whole thing is just becoming way too trendy isn’t it? Couldn’t they have stopped at two iPods? Like the regular and then the mini? Now we got the iShuffle and the U2 edition…Apple stop while you’re ahead!! (But I still love you and want a Powerbook…see my profile for mailing address!)


Robin said...

I was into Apple way before they were "cool".

Xaven said...

Same here Whitey, my first was the Apple IIgs - that thing still runs!