Monday, July 31, 2006

Big Brother or Big Bother?

Not going to lie, this post is probably going to upset some people. Oh and I don't apologize.

Well in case you didn't know, in the past week or so there was a G8 summit in St. Petersburg Russia where leaders of the 8 largest countries in the world met to discuss global issues like the rising price of oil and the conflict in the Middle East. I'm going to focus on the conflict in the Middle East.

Now at the G8, there weren't really any big surprises. I mean George Dubya and Tony Blair took the usual "I know it's none our business but we don't care" stance on the conflict between Israel and Lebanon and demanded a ceasefire. However Stephen Harper got in on this action too. Needless to say I think that most Canadians wish he would have kept his mouth shut.

We all expected the reaction that Bush and Blair had but seriously, what was Harper thinking? No we don't agree with what is going on in Israel and Lebanon. Yes we feel sorry for the civilians that are caught in the middle and all around I think we would all like to see a ceasefire. However who are we to try and determine what other nations do? You ever think for a moment that maybe that WE may be seen as terrorists? For too long the US has flexed it's proverbial muscle trying to be the global version of Chuck Norris. And the thing is that most Americans don't want to be at war. Did you hear that George? They want the troops home. He's taken the power that the American people have given him and he is abusing it. I can only pray that the comments made by Harper aren't a step in that direction for Canada.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sunday, July 23, 2006

She Was Wearing WHAT!?!?

Can you believe that she actually picked that out to wear in her concerts that she plays? Or what's even worse is that she probably didn't pick that. She PAID someone to come up with that horrid excuse for trendy fashion.

This week I bring to you for your opinion the whole concept of celebrity fashion. Can someone tell me what's going on? I was looking through a magazine at work the other day on my break and I could not believe some of the things that the "famous" people we know and love were wearing! I mean am I taking crazy pills????

Please tell me why it's trendy to wear a small household clock around your neck? I mean are you rich people to good for an old fashion watch? Apparently tights are coming back in again girls. Yuck. There is a reason things like the 80's are constantly joked about being forgotten...I mean how would you like to see your man wearing tapered jeans??? Yeah that's what I thought.

What is even funnier then the lack of fashion sense shown by some celebs is the fact that there are some people that you and I know that try and pull off some of this stuff. I mean come on who out there wants to get a "Grill"? If I wanted to see a gold mine in your mouth, I'd throw a nugget at your face.

So next time you're watching ET or people walk in to a huge event like the Emmy's, please don't go out and participate in some awful trend that you see. Step back a moment from Mary Heart's piercing voice and think to yourself "don't do it!" Because if you fail to do it then, you'll eventually find yourself quoting the immortal words of Ron Burgundy, "I immediately regret this decision."

Oh, if you ever wondered what it's like to be a pumpkin, check out the new Random Link of the Week.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

So Funny...

You ever see someone who is rollerblading, and when you look at them you think to yourself..."Maybe you should learn how to walk before you strap on wheels to your feet."

I know I did today when I saw a guy walking home from work almost kill himself. That is all.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

50 Times My Own Weight!!

Work must be some sort of inspiration for me because for the second post in a row, that is where my topic comes from.

A discussion that I found myself in with a few co-workers today dealt with the whole idea of bugs. Now a few days earlier we had a conversation about what life would be like as a bug, about how there are many more things that could kill you, about how crossing a pick-nick table would be like crossing a province and about how it would be cool to be able to fly.

Taking that idea of being a bug I asked the question today, "if you could have one attribute of any bug what would it be?" To my dismay pretty much the entire staff chose to have wings. Yes I will admit that having wings would be cool but we can already fly places with the help of airplanes. This is why I chose to have the strength of an ant, I mean they can lift something close to 40 times their body weight! Imagine the things that I could do with that kind of strength. Diana also had a good one, the ability to blend into her surroundings like the stick bug. Not to shabby.

So what about you what attribute would you have?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Then it hit me...

I should blog. Now I am.

Ice cream cake is an amazing idea, because ice cream makes cake better but cake doesn't make ice cream better. So why not get rid of the cake and leave the ice cream. Sheer genius.

Dashboard Confessional has a new album out and I have to say that I am a major fan. It's titled Dusk and Summer and there a some really good tracks, including a studio recording of So Long, So Long, one of my personal favs that I saw him play for the first time live! Yeah that was pretty sweet. Another good track is Don't Wait, I believe that it is the first single off the album. Yes the album is full band and that's ok with me. Although the memories and emotion that are found in his acoustic stuff will always have a place in my heart I have really like seeing Chris grow in his music. (As if I know him personally.) So check it out, you won't be disappointed.

Monday, July 03, 2006

They Call Me Breezy...

Is it ok to nickname yourself? If so I call "Breezy". Oh and yeah you're right Robin, it does kinda suck that you can't ride seahorses.

So Diana and I were driving home from church yesterday when we saw one of these on a car ahead of us at a stop light. Now this isn't the first pink ribbon that either I or Diana has seen however you wouldn't have known that if you heard the next words out of Diana's mouth.

"Look! They support breast cancer!"

I promptly said "they support breast cancer? I think they support the CURE for breast cancer."


So all this to say, the Random Link of the week is up and running! (And let's just say you'll feel like you're the CAPTIAN of some PLANET after watching it...)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Do you know how many Seas there are?

Me either. But there can't be that many right? And that is a shame because that could mean that seahorses may be endangered! There are so many things that we need to learn about these marvelous creatures. In fact I only know one thing about this can't ride them, so please if you have any other information about seahorses, let me know.

As for dodge-rock, Morgan you are right. It is a great game for a youth group on a budget. However it could be a pain forging all the parents signatures on the release forms, but best of luck on that.

Well tomorrow is Canada Day and that makes me happy. I, if you haven't noticed, am very proud to be a Canadian! Give a holla if you are too!

And I think I may have found someone who is more x-treme then Mike Before you refute me hear me out. Last night I played softball in a church league that we have here in town. Last night, I tore my hamstring in that game running to first base. If tearing your hamstring in church league ball isn't extreme then I need to get a better grasp on the meaning of "x-treme".