Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New Website!!!

That's right you heard it, I'm laying the old Think-Pad to rest. I have my new site up and running but there are going to to be kinks the next week or so, so please bare with me. You can get to my new site by clicking on the title of this post or by clicking here.

Oh don't for get to update your bookmarks!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Ok, so was the color orange named becasue of the fruit or was the fruit named after the color? And if that is in fact the case why can't I call banannas yellow?

Monday, September 04, 2006


Yes it is true, Steve Irwin the "crocodile Hunter" is dead. And it's kind of surprising his child in that picture isn't. I have to admire Steve for his hard work in making people aware of many different things in nature but come on! You knew it only had to be a matter of time until his profession caught up to him. None the less, R.I.P. Steve.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I had nothing to do with this.

OK everyone go and Google the word "failure" and look at the first hit. Sorry our southern friends.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The New MTV

So I am coming to you from the bubble that is Bethany today. I am here for a week taking a seminar to finish up my in class hours. The seminar I am taking is Global Youth Ministry and so far it has been going very well. We haven't take any notes in the past two days, the prof actually gives us handouts with all the stuff we're covering so in that respect it's been good.

I guess that's all that I have to say about anything right now. I am going to post another music video that I stumbled across like 2 weeks ago. I can't get enough of it. Probably one of the best covers I have heard in a while. Has a lot more passion and feeling than the original. So here it is, Matt Wheedle with Outkast's "Hey-ya."

Friday, August 18, 2006

But Christians Use That Parking Lot...(See two posts ago)

This post is in response to some comments that were made on the "Parking Lot for Church Use Only" post.

For the most part I have to agree with what alot of people said in regards to the church as an organization is worried about preserving its beauty and how we are beginning to see a separation of the goats from the sheep. But I have to raise the question, who's making that separation?

Now don't get me wrong I believe that there is some genuine parting of the herd going on however I think sometimes (myself included) can be a little too quick to make that separation ourselves. Now I don't agree with the sign that the church here in town put up in their parking lot, but maybe in their minds they made a good choice based on what they know to be true. I've heard people complain about how the church is a door mat sometimes and that we should stand up a little bit and maybe that's what they were doing. Maybe they are just misled sheep.

So I guess the second question that I have is how do we help those sheep? I mean is it up to me to walk into the church and confront the pastor? I am sure that some people would say rebuking is the best way. Yet others would say that we need to just let that church die a natural death. Heck I've heard that said about a lot of churches lately. Why are we so quick to give up on our own people? No wonder people don't want anything to do with the church today. We split, can't agree, shut people out...maybe we as a younger generation need to be more open minded about things. We get so caught up in the "emerging" church and being "post modern" that sometimes we miss some things, like our roots. We want to cut of the foundation that we came from.

Yes we want to do things differently and that's ok. As time progresses the way that people need to be reached will have to change and evolve to our culture. However, for those of us that grew up in the church, we have had many good things instilled in us by the older generation that we seem to be so anxious to leave. Maybe we should try sticking around and learning some things from them, and you know what, I'm learning that they are at times more willing to learn then we are.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Coming to you live...

From my MacBook!!! But more on that later.

Here's another story from my journey home from work. On another street that I have to walk when I am heading home, has one of the most mind-boggling things I have seen. It is in a front yard of a house off of Maple Street (for those of you that live here). It is a 12 foot by 12 foot square, with three foot tall posts in the corner. Now around these posts are wrapped three rows of bunggie cords.

Now my first reaction to this sight is that it is something like a dog pen or something like that. But upon further thought, and a few more trips past, it struck me. Child Wrestling. It is quite literally a mini wrestling ring for kids. Infact I am pretty sure that every Friday night the parents in that house pit their own children against each other for entertainment. Or maybe the neighborhood parents bring their kids to fight each other, and whoever loses their parents have to do the carpool for that week. Yeah I like that one better. I'll post a picture tomorrow.

Ok so now for the big news. I finally got my Mac!! And it is amazing. What else can you say about them? Other then you wish you had one too? Yeah that's what I thought. Ok gotta jet, check out the new Random Link while you're here!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Parking Lot for Church Use Only

Today I walked home from work as I have been for the last week or so. I took the same route as always, nothing new and nothing exciting. But you know how when you watch a TV show like three times you notice different things that you didn't before? Well That happened to me as I walked home today.

See everyday I walk past this church on my way home, and everyday I don't think anything about it. But today I noticed a sign, probably about 3/4 of the size of the sign that has the churches name and denomination on it, and it read in big, red letters "PARKING LOT FOR CHURCH USE ONLY".

At first I thought nothing of it, but as I continued my walk I remembered something that is often said in Christian circles. "For God to use you, you have to make yourself available." Now I don't think that anyone will disagree with that. So my question is, how are we supposed to have an impact on the world when we are closing ourselves off?

The church is slowly becoming a closed gate community. We lock our doors all the time now. We look at people strangely when they sit in our pew. We're even closed to the idea of spending time in the church. (This coming from the statistic of only 10-15% of the congregation do the work in the church.) Don't you think it's time we started to change this?

And you know what the funny thing is, the church with the sign up in the parking lot? It only has one car in it everytime I pass by. That parking lot would be serving a greater purpose if it was filled with non-Chirstian's cars everyday and the pastor had to park down the road then it is now. I mean at least the people would know where the church is, and that is by no means a bad thing.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Waffle is Just a Pancake With Syrup Traps

The people in the pictures above have two things in common. First they are all British and second, they are all victims of a thing I like to call media discrimination.

What is the deal with all these shows getting British people to play the bad guy? These are the people that get booed and yelled at. I mean why can't it be David Hasselhoff or Regis that have to say the mean things? Is it the accent that makes it hit home more? Just think about that.

Oh I don't really care, just thought about this at work today.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

3 Really Good Advertisments

I have to say that I laughed a little bit out loud at these.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Post 200!!

Maybe you'll get there someday Grant. That's right everybody the one, the only Grant Smith has started his very own blog. You should check it out here and leave the man some comments!

Well yesterday was Monday hence a new Random Link of the week is up. It was actually up yesterday I just didn't have a spot to say it in my rant about Bush. Anyway check it out because it's good stuff.

And for now I leave you with this. You have all probably seen the original Mentos and Diet Coke thing on the net somewhere but I came across this today and I have to say that's pretty impressive.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Big Brother or Big Bother?

Not going to lie, this post is probably going to upset some people. Oh and I don't apologize.

Well in case you didn't know, in the past week or so there was a G8 summit in St. Petersburg Russia where leaders of the 8 largest countries in the world met to discuss global issues like the rising price of oil and the conflict in the Middle East. I'm going to focus on the conflict in the Middle East.

Now at the G8, there weren't really any big surprises. I mean George Dubya and Tony Blair took the usual "I know it's none our business but we don't care" stance on the conflict between Israel and Lebanon and demanded a ceasefire. However Stephen Harper got in on this action too. Needless to say I think that most Canadians wish he would have kept his mouth shut.

We all expected the reaction that Bush and Blair had but seriously, what was Harper thinking? No we don't agree with what is going on in Israel and Lebanon. Yes we feel sorry for the civilians that are caught in the middle and all around I think we would all like to see a ceasefire. However who are we to try and determine what other nations do? You ever think for a moment that maybe that WE may be seen as terrorists? For too long the US has flexed it's proverbial muscle trying to be the global version of Chuck Norris. And the thing is that most Americans don't want to be at war. Did you hear that George? They want the troops home. He's taken the power that the American people have given him and he is abusing it. I can only pray that the comments made by Harper aren't a step in that direction for Canada.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sunday, July 23, 2006

She Was Wearing WHAT!?!?

Can you believe that she actually picked that out to wear in her concerts that she plays? Or what's even worse is that she probably didn't pick that. She PAID someone to come up with that horrid excuse for trendy fashion.

This week I bring to you for your opinion the whole concept of celebrity fashion. Can someone tell me what's going on? I was looking through a magazine at work the other day on my break and I could not believe some of the things that the "famous" people we know and love were wearing! I mean am I taking crazy pills????

Please tell me why it's trendy to wear a small household clock around your neck? I mean are you rich people to good for an old fashion watch? Apparently tights are coming back in again girls. Yuck. There is a reason things like the 80's are constantly joked about being forgotten...I mean how would you like to see your man wearing tapered jeans??? Yeah that's what I thought.

What is even funnier then the lack of fashion sense shown by some celebs is the fact that there are some people that you and I know that try and pull off some of this stuff. I mean come on who out there wants to get a "Grill"? If I wanted to see a gold mine in your mouth, I'd throw a nugget at your face.

So next time you're watching ET or people walk in to a huge event like the Emmy's, please don't go out and participate in some awful trend that you see. Step back a moment from Mary Heart's piercing voice and think to yourself "don't do it!" Because if you fail to do it then, you'll eventually find yourself quoting the immortal words of Ron Burgundy, "I immediately regret this decision."

Oh, if you ever wondered what it's like to be a pumpkin, check out the new Random Link of the Week.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

So Funny...

You ever see someone who is rollerblading, and when you look at them you think to yourself..."Maybe you should learn how to walk before you strap on wheels to your feet."

I know I did today when I saw a guy walking home from work almost kill himself. That is all.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

50 Times My Own Weight!!

Work must be some sort of inspiration for me because for the second post in a row, that is where my topic comes from.

A discussion that I found myself in with a few co-workers today dealt with the whole idea of bugs. Now a few days earlier we had a conversation about what life would be like as a bug, about how there are many more things that could kill you, about how crossing a pick-nick table would be like crossing a province and about how it would be cool to be able to fly.

Taking that idea of being a bug I asked the question today, "if you could have one attribute of any bug what would it be?" To my dismay pretty much the entire staff chose to have wings. Yes I will admit that having wings would be cool but we can already fly places with the help of airplanes. This is why I chose to have the strength of an ant, I mean they can lift something close to 40 times their body weight! Imagine the things that I could do with that kind of strength. Diana also had a good one, the ability to blend into her surroundings like the stick bug. Not to shabby.

So what about you what attribute would you have?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Then it hit me...

I should blog. Now I am.

Ice cream cake is an amazing idea, because ice cream makes cake better but cake doesn't make ice cream better. So why not get rid of the cake and leave the ice cream. Sheer genius.

Dashboard Confessional has a new album out and I have to say that I am a major fan. It's titled Dusk and Summer and there a some really good tracks, including a studio recording of So Long, So Long, one of my personal favs that I saw him play for the first time live! Yeah that was pretty sweet. Another good track is Don't Wait, I believe that it is the first single off the album. Yes the album is full band and that's ok with me. Although the memories and emotion that are found in his acoustic stuff will always have a place in my heart I have really like seeing Chris grow in his music. (As if I know him personally.) So check it out, you won't be disappointed.

Monday, July 03, 2006

They Call Me Breezy...

Is it ok to nickname yourself? If so I call "Breezy". Oh and yeah you're right Robin, it does kinda suck that you can't ride seahorses.

So Diana and I were driving home from church yesterday when we saw one of these on a car ahead of us at a stop light. Now this isn't the first pink ribbon that either I or Diana has seen however you wouldn't have known that if you heard the next words out of Diana's mouth.

"Look! They support breast cancer!"

I promptly said "they support breast cancer? I think they support the CURE for breast cancer."


So all this to say, the Random Link of the week is up and running! (And let's just say you'll feel like you're the CAPTIAN of some PLANET after watching it...)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Do you know how many Seas there are?

Me either. But there can't be that many right? And that is a shame because that could mean that seahorses may be endangered! There are so many things that we need to learn about these marvelous creatures. In fact I only know one thing about this animal...you can't ride them, so please if you have any other information about seahorses, let me know.

As for dodge-rock, Morgan you are right. It is a great game for a youth group on a budget. However it could be a pain forging all the parents signatures on the release forms, but best of luck on that.

Well tomorrow is Canada Day and that makes me happy. I, if you haven't noticed, am very proud to be a Canadian! Give a holla if you are too!

And I think I may have found someone who is more x-treme then Mike MacNeil...me. Before you refute me hear me out. Last night I played softball in a church league that we have here in town. Last night, I tore my hamstring in that game running to first base. If tearing your hamstring in church league ball isn't extreme then I need to get a better grasp on the meaning of "x-treme".

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why We Need More Funding For Gym In Schools

It's the latest gaming craze, that's right dodge rock.

I was talking with a girl where I work and she was telling me a story about her son Tristan. They were out side and a girl from the neighborhood was over playing. While there she started throwing rocks at Tristan (Not just any rocks but the big ones that you find around railroad tracks.). Now his mom saw this happening and asked why she was throwing rocks at him, assuming that he must have hit her or something, but his reply surprised her.

"We're playing dodge rock mom!"

If this doesn't show that our schools need more funding I don't know what does! These kids only know dodge-ball as an urban legend because the physical education budget in schools has been cut so much they have to use rocks!

Or maybe the kids that are growing up now are just more "hard-core" or "x-treme" than Mike MacNeil.

Monday, June 26, 2006


One movie I won't be seeing. Ever.

I haven't even seen the first two so what why would I want to see the third? I really can't believe that they made another movie in this dismal series, thus making it a trilogy. Trilogies should be reserved for things like Church and Lord of the Rings.

Why won't I be rushing out to watch this flick? Here is my answer.

Cars like this annoy the heck out of me. YOU ARE DRIVING A CIVIC!!! (Not that there are anything wrong with Civics.) But they are not, and I repeat NOT a sports car by any means. As far as I am concerned these cars are evil.

Making him the Devil...or boogie-man, you pick.

Why are loud mufflers cool? What purpose does a fin on a Cavalier serve? Aren't headlights enough to make your car seen at night time by on coming traffic? These, among others are phenomenon that we owe to this new "trilogy". This is perhaps one of the worst things that Hollywood has ever unleashed on the public, a side from the Scary Movie series.

If you do happen to find yourself in the wrong theater this weekend and this pops-up on the screen instead of Nacho Libre, do me a favor. Remind yourself that the cars on the screen aren't cool. Trust me, I think that if you looked in Vin's or Paul's (Walker) garage, you wouldn't find a Civic in it.

Oh and the Random Link of the Week is Updated!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Back up and running...

Well after having Windows screw up on me for the....oh 6th time this year I am back on the net. Got home from work on Friday and my computer was running sluggish, so I rebooted. Bad idea.

"Windows cannot start due to missing or corrupt file."

Ok well I will just do a repair of the operating system and we're good to go. Nope. Try again, still no go. Ok I'll give in and reformat. Laid down and had a three hour nap while it was supposed to be formatting (notice I said supposed to be). I awake and rub my weary eyes to find the status bar still stuck at 0%. Needless to say after three hours this is not a good thing. Ends up my hard drive is fried. So if any of you out the want a 120 Gig paper weight, let me know.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

First Post From Home!!

Well I am back in the internet world after Aliant took forever to get us our high-speed package as usual. It finally came yesterday so me and the Mrs. are back on the World Wide Web!

So I have to admit our new apartment is pretty sweet. It's been a little bit of an adjustment trying to wrap my head around the fact that this place is actually my place, not a room in my parents house or a dorm room either. It's a big one bedroom apartment in a basement, separate entrance of course. Our bedroom by the way is about 16 feet by 13 feet and has brand new Italian tile down on the floor. New fridge, new stove and the landlord is great. I'll post some pics in the future, kind of like a virtual tour.

A recap for people like Lynn about what exactly we're doing in Fredericton. We felt that it would be better for us to take a little bit of time off and get adjusted to being married before any other big moves like my internship. So we're back in Fredericton for at least a year, working and doing that kind of thing. If you want to get a hold of us, just e-mail me and I'll send you our telephone number.

That's what's going on.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Slowly But Surely...

Just letting you know that I have begun to post some pictures of our London trip. There will be more tomorrow and our wedding pictures will be coming very close behind.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Update of Updates

So I sit here in the sound booth at Bethany helping out Diana with sound at a weekend women's retreat. Needless to say I am having a blast :S

Ok so here is a little bit of what has gone on in the last few weeks in the life of me. Let's see where to start...oh yeah I got married :)

Well on May 13th, I was lucky enough to have been wed to the wonderful Diana Davis. It was a really exciting day that went off with out a hitch. Several people have told us that we had the fastest ceremony that they have ever been too. I think it was somewhere around 12-15 minutes or so. (Check with Rob, he timed it I think.) After that we went and had our pictures taken at Odell park in downtown Fredericton and then the reception. All of our pictures will be posted on my Flickr sometime next week, so keep checking for those!!

The day after we got married, we did the usual honeymoon thing...well ok not really. Instead of the typical sun and beach honeymoon we had the privilege, thanks to Diana's dad, of going across the pond and spending a week in jolly ol' London! We had a great time there, even though it was cloudy almost everyday it was our kind of thing with riding the subway, walking 5 miles a day and exploring every crook and nanny of downtown London. I highly promote going over there sometime in your life, it is really nice and if you like to take pictures it's an ideal spot. (Again, pictures from that coming next week!)

That brings us upto this week and to today. Well as I said, right now we're in Sussex for the time being but not for long. As of next week we will officially be residents of good ol' Freddy Beach, aka Fredericton. Needless to say we are both really excited to be moving and getting a break from Sussex. I'm excited cause I'm going to get to play softball with the boys again, get a normal job with normal people. REAL PEOPLE! Anyway, that is our life in a nutshell for the next little bit. You'll probably here from me next week once I get the internet hooked up at our new place. Until then.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Ok so I know that I haven't blogged in forever but I just got married and went to London for my honeymoon so cut me some slack!!

This isn't going to long either, just wanted to let you know that Diana and I will be moving to Fredericton in the next week or so. Not going to lie, I love my home town. So once we get settled into our new place and get the internet hooked up I will be sure to update you on all that has happened in the last month. Cheerio!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Back From My High-Ate-Is (I don't care how it's spelled)

Spring is here and that means two things...school's out and...well I can only think of one thing right now. But since school is out that means that I can finally get back to blogging semi-regularly cause I don't have anything left to procrastinate on.

I know that I haven't blogged in like a week and a half or something crazy like that but thanks to that time I was able to notice something to blog about. Money.

See not just money in general but the difference between American, sorry, States money and Canadian money. (Since we're all Americans shouldn't we have one currency...oh wait end times, nevermind.)

For the past few years the States' money has been better then the Canadian dollar, at times very much better. However in recent months the Canadian dollar has been on the rise but yet one thing baffles me, well actually I have two for this one (promise), how Staters complain that their dollar isn't worth as much anymore and how companies in the States still charge prices that incorporate the old exchange.

When I bought my iPod, I bought it off the Canadian Apple website although when I researched it further I could have gotten it cheaper if I would have purchased it off of the State site and paid in State money. Weird. And what's with Staters getting upset at the exchange rate going down, YOU ARE STILL GETTING MORE FOR YOUR BUCK JUST NOT AS MUCH MORE. Heaven forbid the day that your dollar simply becomes worth....a DOLLAR.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Attention All Youth Pastors

This is fake, but the sad thing is that there are kids out there that are really like this.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I Am An American!

And no I didn't switch over my citizenship.

I was driving along this afternoon and it struck me, we are all Americans. The name comes from living in North America...or heck even South America. So I have determined that when some one asks if there are any Americans present, I'll say yes because I am. And I am now going to call anyone from the States a Uniter. Maybe a Stater...but no longer will I call them Americans.

(Should get some interesting comments on this one.)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Double Decker Fun

Happy Easter to all! I am writing to you from just outside of Ottawa Ontario from Diana's house. Drove here Thursday afternoon and have just been relaxing with her family since. Today we went into Ottawa and shopped around and I even got to go to an IKEA for the first time, we bought a sweet cutting board and napkin holder. Now for the big news...

Diana and I are going to go to London for our honeymoon!!! We just found out this weekend that her parents wanted to send us and they told us yesterday. Not going to lie we are pretty excited! We are flying out the Sunday after our wedding and will be there for about 9 days or so. You can bet that I will have plenty of pictures to post online after the trip! And speaking of the wedding there are only 28 more days until I am a happily married man...I can't wait! Well I should get back to hanging out with the future in-laws, peace out my homies!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hey Judas, Could You Do Me A Favor?

This story that I am going to post is originally from CNN.com. What does this mean to Christianity and the Easter story? What's your reaction? Let's see what you think.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- For 2,000 years Judas has been reviled for betraying Jesus. Now a newly translated ancient document seeks to tell his side of the story.

The "Gospel of Judas" tells a far different tale from the four gospels in the New Testament. It portrays Judas as a favored disciple who was given special knowledge by Jesus -- and who turned him in at Jesus' request.

"You will be cursed by the other generations -- and you will come to rule over them," Jesus tells Judas in the document made public Thursday. (Watch reaction to writings, then and now -- 1:58)

The text, one of several ancient documents found in the Egyptian desert in 1970, was preserved and translated by a team of scholars. It was made public in an English translation by the National Geographic Society.

Religious and lay readers alike will debate the meaning and truth of the manuscript.

But it does show the diversity of beliefs in early Christianity, said Marvin Meyer, professor of Bible studies at Chapman University in Orange, California.

The text, in the Coptic language, was dated to about the year 300 A.D. and is a copy of an earlier Greek version.

A "Gospel of Judas" was first mentioned around 180 A.D. by Bishop Irenaeus of Lyon, in what is now France. The bishop denounced the manuscript as heresy because it differed from mainstream Christianity. The actual text had been thought lost until this discovery.

Elaine Pagels, a professor of religion at Princeton University, said, "The people who loved, circulated and wrote down these gospels did not think they were heretics."

Added Rev. Donald Senior, president of the Catholic Theological Union of Chicago: "Let a vigorous debate on the significance of this fascinating ancient text begin."

Senior expressed doubt that the new gospel will rival the New Testament, but he allowed that opinions are likely to vary.

Craig Evans, a professor at Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, Canada, said New Testament explanations for Judas' betrayal range from money to the influence of Satan.

"Perhaps more now can be said," he commented. The document "implies that Judas only did what Jesus wanted him to do."

Christianity in the ancient world was much more diverse than it is now, with a number of gospels circulating in addition to the four that were finally collected into the New Testament, noted Bart Ehrman, chairman of religious studies at the University of North Carolina.

Eventually, one point of view prevailed and the others were declared heresy, he said, including the Gnostics who believed that salvation depended on secret knowledge that Jesus imparted, particularly to Judas.

The newly translated document's text begins: "The secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot."

In a key passage Jesus tells Judas, "You will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me."

This indicates that Judas would help liberate the spiritual self by helping Jesus get rid of his physical flesh, the scholars said.

"Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom," Jesus says to Judas, singling him out for special status. "Look, you have been told everything. Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. The star that leads the way is your star."

The text ends with Judas turning Jesus over to the high priests and does not include any mention of the crucifixion or resurrection.

National Geographic said the author believed that Judas Iscariot alone understood the true significance of Jesus' teachings. The author of the text is not named in the writings.

Discovered in 1970, the papyrus was kept in a safety deposit box for several years and began to deteriorate before conservators restored it. More than 1,000 pieces had to be reassembled.

The material will be donated to the Coptic museum in Cairo, Egypt, so it can be available to all scholars said Ted Waitt of the Waitt Institute for Historical Discovery, which helped finance the restoration.

In addition to radio carbon dating, the manuscript was also authenticated through ink analysis, multispectral imaging, content and linguistic style and handwriting style, National Geographic reported.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hit Me Baby One More Time.

Click the title for the whole story. Simply Incredible.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Check Please!

So I was in class the other day and got to thinking that there are a lot of famous Bills in Hollywood, I then proceeded to compile a list of my top 25 famous Bills. If you think that I neglected a Bill please let me know.

  • Billy Graham
  • Bill Hybels
  • Bill (William) Shatner
  • Bill Shakespeare
  • Bill Cosbey
  • Bill Clinton
  • Bill Paxton
  • Bill Gates
  • Billy Bob Thornton
  • Billy Joel
  • Billy Jean (Not My Lover)
  • Billy Idol
  • Billy Baldwin
  • Billy Madison
  • Bill Nye "The Science Guy"
  • Bill of "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures"
  • Wild Bill
  • Buffalo Bill
  • Billy the Kid
  • Billy Joe (Green Day)
  • Billy Blanks (Tae Bo guy)
  • Bill Murray
  • Bill Gaither
  • Billy Ray Cirus
  • Bill of Rights
By no means is this a complete list or is it even in order of the coolest, but two things are for sure: there are even more famous Bills out there & the new Random Link is up so check it out!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This is Incredible!

I can't believe this show didn't get picked up! Oh new Random Link is all set to go too!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Picture of the Month

Jon and Diana Picture for February

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Witch Project is Up!!

Watch it. Click the title to go see the Witch Project!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So today I was getting my laundry, which I had been doing then night before, out of the laundry room in TP and had a little accident. As I was carrying my basket up the stairs my thumb proceeded to get caught one of the doors that I was trying to open to get back to my room. Holding my tongue so I wouldn't swear, I hurried back to my room and checked out the damage. This is what I found. Mind you I cleaned it up a little bit, but it still hurts non-the-less.

My computer is done being formatted and it is going to be the last time that I do it until I get a new computer, I've decided. So whether it's a Trojan Horse or Spyware, nothing is making me reformat my computer. I think I would rather throw it off the back deck of TP before I do that again. (if I do end up throwing it I will be charging $5 to people who want to witness the destruction of an HP.

Monday Monday!

Ok so it's early Tuesday morning but this still counts as Monday for me, and since it's Monday that means you need to check out the new random link of the week! Go there now!

So I took advantage of the gigantic monopoly machine know as Google today and used their Google Video tool to upload a video for your viewing pleasure. It's a film project that Paul, John Sherwood and I did last semester for a class. It's about witches and involves bobble-head dolls. Check that out too! (Once Google verifies that it's not porn and sends me the link for you to go to ;)

Today was the board banquet and I have to say it's always fun when the board comes to BBC! Ok well it's at least a way to make money. I managed to snap so decent pics today and yesterday so you should check those out too. The one of the chipmunk is my personal favorite.

Incase you were wondering Tom took the weekend of from the Peanut Oil challenge, however you should be supplied with fresh updates about that as soon as tomorrow.

This week I'm taking a poll. The question I would like you to answer is this: "What is the hardest job in ministry and why?" (ie. Youth, music, senior pastor...)

Ok I think I am going to go and reformat my computer. See you tomorrow, peace.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Day 4

Yep today is day four in the peanut oil experiment. Sorry we missed yesterday but I had a hard time tracking down Tom. Here are today's shots along with a sneak peak of what the process involves. I think I can definitely make out some progress in this. This could be working!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

No Hair? No Problem!!

That's right, Tom and Uncle Jon have the solution for you...peanut oil! Yep, peanut oil. Smear it where ever you want hair to grow and we guarantee results in about a week. (Not yet been tested and guarantee not valid in North America.)

Ok, so we're in the process of testing the theory of peanut oil promoting hair growth. Tom has generously volunteered to allow me to document his journey for the ultimate sideburns. So keep checking back this week to see daily updates and results!

The process involves Tom applying peanut butter to the desired area for his sideburns once a day after shaving.

Day 1

Day 2

Monday, March 13, 2006

Break's Over and I'm Back!

Whoa talk about a break from bloging! Sorry to my two faithful readers for my lack of updates but last week was March Break and so I did absolutely nothing. Ok so that's not true, I didn't do anything that would be considered productive. However before I get into any details of my adventures over break I would just like all of you to know that the new Random Link is up and good to go for this week!

So break...yeah it was definitely a good one. I spent the majority of it at Paul's with him and Rob. At the beginning of the week we were a little hard pressed for things to. We played some xBox and watched some Arrested Development (which still is one of the best shows ever made) and Rob and I went on a picture hunt in downtown Saint John, the results of which can be found on our respective Flickr sites. Then Paul introduced us to the World of Warcraft.

And we're hooked. This game is incredible. It's all played online with other people from all around the world, you fight and kill, pillage and kill some more. (What more do you need in a game?) We played that for about 80% of the week, the other 20% was spent eating sleeping and for potty breaks. All I have to say for that is Cochurm!!!! (Don't ask.)

After Saint John I proceeded to go home and spend some time with the family, which was really nice. I spent Saturday afternoon taking pictures with my dad around Freddy Beach, also featured on my Flickr, and that was good times. Unfortantly my mom worked most of the time I was home but I still got to see her and that was good.

That was my break. I didn't do any school work and I think I got fatter. Diana was gone for the break with Testify and I have to say that I missed her! And I am allowed to say that cause it's my blog. She comes back today and I can't wait!

So now that I am back at school and will be looking for things to distract me from my school work, bloging will once again become a priority! Check back later for more updates!

Seacrest out!

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Random Link

The new Random Link of the week is up and ready to go. It doesn't cover everything but it sure gives that illusion.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Who Was Oscar?

So I finally made it. I am at Paul's now and he and I are sitting around awaiting the arrival of Rob. He should be pulling in some time in the near future and not a moment too soon. Once he gets here it will give me and Paul some inspiration to do something other then sit in front of the television for a bit. And that will be a good thing considering the majority of channels are showing the Oscars tonight. Now it's not that I don't appreciate the actors and directors and the great moments of entertainment that they create, but the Oscars are freakin' boring. The only saving grace of this years awards is the fact that Jon Stewart is hosting and Will Ferrel made an appearance. Other then that the show is just a bunch of rich people tooting other rich peoples horns. Nuff said.

I posted a whole bunch of new pictures on my Flickr site tonight and hopefully I'll post a lot more this week while I have internet that doesn't kick me off every 2 minutes. Alright I'm going to keep this short and get back to doing nothing. I'll take a break from nothing again tomorrow to keep you up to date on things happening here in Saint John.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Da Family Eve

Sorry it's been a slow week on the ol' Think-Pad, and to be quite honest I have been very apathetic this week towards anything. Just spent most of my time wishing that March Break would hurry up and get here, I need this break bad.

Starting tomorrow I get to hang out with two fifths of Da Family. I'll be going to Saint John to live with Paul and Rob for half a week. It should be good times filled with X-Box, Settlers, computers and picture taking. Oh and there will definitely be some frequent posting here and hopefully some new features as I can sit around and frig with Photoshop.

Diana is away for the week with Testify. They're on their way to Michigan tomorrow as they are staying at McCracken's for the night tonight. Please keep them in their prayers as they will be driving late and the weather will more then likely be an issue at some point during their travels. And now a treat for not posting this week, another reason why you and I need a MAC.

Monday, February 27, 2006

So yeah....

I'm engaged. Lol yeah that's right I am definitely engaged. Friday night I asked the most incredible girl in the world to be my wife. I am super excited and can't wait for May! Yeah that's right May!! If you want all the juicy details visit Diana's blog cause she's really good at telling the story.
I could not be happier!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

This One's For My Pops!

So I just got back from spending the afternoon and evening at home and a good time was had by all. My dad took me, my brother and Allison out to eat and he coined the phrase, "put that on your blog and smoke it!" So I did.

While at Swiss Chalet the waitress, as we were leaving, said "Have a nice day." Now was she wishing us a nice day, or telling us to have a nice day? It seemed more demanding, like she was going to check up on us later to make sure that we followed through with the 'nice' day thing.

My question for the day, "Do you think the SPAM e-mail get upset when they receive any?"

Saturday, February 25, 2006

If You Can Understand Morse Code, Then Tap-Dancing Must Drive You Crazy

The weekend is here and you know what that means...yeah me either. Well actually the Olympics are drawing to a close soon. It's been a pretty good one all around for us Canadians despite the loss in men's hockey. (Although it seemed North America in general sucked this year ;) I am really impressed with how Canada is going to finish up in the medal rankings. We are currently tied for 3rd and only three behind top spot. This is a vast improvement on our results from Salt Lake. Way to go guys/gals!

I took my first engagement pictures as a "photographer" on Thursday this week. I was asked by Marly Allen and Josh Kendricks if I would take some pictures for them The pictures are posted up on my Flickr account and I have to say that they turned out pretty dang good. I think eventually I would like to do some weddings and things like that. (Maybe make some money on the side.)

I have to say that I have absolutely been loving the public forum that has been occurring on my last post, at least it helps me know that people read my blog! Keep it up guys, oh and this is to spur on the Jesus with a gun thing:

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Oh yeah now I have something to post about...

My computer bombed out on me again last week. I am really, really wanting a Mac very badly. Infact I would like one so bad that I am willing to take donations :)

Ok back to the story. My CPU crapped up again, sometimes randomly shutting down by itself and other things of the sort. Well on top of that I contracted a virus, usually not a big deal for me since I am ok with the occasional format. However this virus was different. It effected my entire computer, including the separate drive that I keep all of my back-up information on, aka all of my music. Yes that's right I lost all 25 Gigs of music that I had on my computer. The one bright-side was that I was able to salvage all of my pictures, if I had lost those, Massie would have been taking pictures of me throwing my tower off the balcony outside.

So now the painstaking process of importing all of my CDs back into iTunes and on to my computer has commenced. I am not quite sure how long it will take me to fully recover from this loss, please be praying for me during this time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If You're Going to Pee in the Shower, Then Aim for the Drain

Sorry, this should have been posted yesterday but the new Random Link is up.

My life has been pretty boring as of late, not a whole lot happening. I got to go out with Testify last night as their sound tech. That was kind of fun although they sang and an elderly ladies dessert party. I was only one of two guys there, that equals a lot of estrogen, or used to be estrogen, in one room. Oh and I decided that I don't want to grow up to be an old lady.

One exciting thing that did happen in recent days is the appearance of Rob Meeks back on campus. Man I miss that Jew. It was sweet to see him and to be able to hang out with him. Miss ya Robby.

Other then that it's been pretty slow. I write three mid-terms tomorrow morning so that should be interesting and then March break is coming up soon and I am hopefully going to get to spend some time with Paul and Rob while Massie and Josh are overseas...freaking Massie and Josh. Alright that's it for now until I can come up with something more interesting. Later.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

What's Worse?

I was thinking about this the other day. What is worse for a Christian in regards to his Spiritual walk, thinking to poorly of his spirituality, or too highly? Comments?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine Re-Cap.

So as everyone knows yesterday was Valentine's Day. Massie help put this holiday in perspective for me with a very true statement. People here at school (mainly girls) tend to find their worth in how many Valentines they get in their mail box. Think about that. In other Valentine news Diana is amazing, she cooked me a sweet dinner last night and you can check out pictures on my Flickr page.

Canada beat Italy 7-2 in Men's Olympic Hockey this morning.

If you don't listen to the Beatles you have to start. I "acquired" their entire collection of music a few weeks ago and they have some good stuff. If you can listen to "Hey Jude" and try to tell me that the Beatles were not the first screamo band. They have single handedly influenced all music, and that is how it is.

I've been buying a few things off of eBay lately and I have to say it's fun to shop on-line. The one problem that I have been running into on eBay lately though is the ridiculous shipping prices on things. The item itself is nice and cheap but they jack the shipping, I hate that. That is all.

One of the most...

retarded things I have ever done. Stayed up all night to fix my blog. At least it's all working now...off to class I go!

I'm an Addict...

I have to say that I love improving my site. I definitely think this is the best that it has looked to date. It's not so cluttered and is very modern looking!

Anyway hope you like it and check back tomorrow as I give a recap and my thoughts on Valentine's Day! Until then check out the Random Link of the Week!


I've been up all night trying to get the comments to work but it hasn't happened yet. It will be done soon I promise. Stay with me here people!


Comments are working!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Vice President Shoots Man...

Wow. This just goes to show...you DON'T mess with Cheney...or Texas? Maybe this whole gun control idea ain't so bad after all.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Holy Crap.

This by far one of the most awesome displays of skill that I have ever seen. Trust me it is well worth the 5 minutes. And just watch how close he comes to dying so many times.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

An Opinion Without a Name...

Recently (yesterday) Diana posted the monthly picture of her and I on my blog. Now I understand that some people are kind of like "man another lovey dovey couple" and so forth. That's ok. Other people think that it is cute. Still apparently there are others who think "it sucks".

The reason that I put "it sucks" in quotes is because it was a comment that was posted on the last picture that Diana put up, that has now found its way to my trash bin. Now I know that everybody is entitled to their opinion and all that junk and I am cool with that. I am all about respecting opinions and stuff but usually I only respect opinions that have a name attached to them. Yeah that's right it was an anonymous comment. We'll just leave it at that.

In other news I actually bought the new Gillette Fusion yesterday, it was on sale at Shoppers for the same price as a Mach 3 so I though that I'd get it and give it a test run. I'm going to use it tomorrow, results to follow so stay tuned!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Let The Games Begin...

Ok I am probably not the only blogger who used that phrase as their post title today. As many of you know, or don't know, the Winter Olympic Games started today in Turin Italy. And if you haven't already noticed by the upper right hand corner of my blog I am a little bit excited for the men's hockey to start! So I sat down and watched the opening ceremonies with Diana tonight and there were a few things that stuck out to me:

1) I'm not a big fan of the huge production that they do at the start of the opening ceremony. It is weird most of the time. This year they had fake cows that they pushed around and 50 ladies dressed in white with human size balloons on their heads pretending to be snowflakes...of which they looked nothing like! Maybe it is just me and my inability to understand and appreciate modern art, but for some reason I think there are alot of other people out there who don't get this either.

2) I am glad that Canada starts with the letter 'C'. First off because when the countries come walking in we are near the top of the list and I don't have to wait to change the channel. And the second reason is obvious, if Canada didn't start with the letter 'C' we would be known as Danada or Yanada and to quite honest I think that would be just plain silly.

3) I want one of Team Canada's sweet hats.

4) I'm with Seinfeld on the whole matter of the Biathlon: "You don't see many alpine snipers now-a-days."

The whole concept of the Olympics is great. Countries coming from all over the world and putting their best foot forward for 2 weeks, despite whatever differences that we may have with each other. Now if only some of that could carry over to after the Olympics. Anywho I should go to bed. Don't forget to watch the Olympics and cheer on your country's athletes and be proud of what they accomplish. Have a good weekend.

Picture of the Month

Jon and Diana Picture for January

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Long Division, Emulators and Ninjas

So I loaded up a Super NES emulator that I had on my computer earlier this week and I have to say that I miss some of the games that I played as a kid! I've been spending the majority of time that I play on a little known game called Aerobiz. It involves you running an airline and setting up routes and buying planes. I used to stay up to all hours of the night playing it with Eddie Stairs back in the day, he and Josh Harris are the only other people I know of who have even heard of it. But if you like simulations you definitely need to check it out. (Don't worry I have been playing NHL '94 too!)

I found a pretty sweet band the other day as I was cruising PureVolume. They are called Mute Math and they are definitely worth a look. They have a very unique sound that is very catchy. You need to watch some of the videos that they have up on PureVolume, especially the one for their instrumental song Reset. Their drummer is definitely sweet.

Finally, I became aware of, yet another, must visit site. The site, askaninja.blogspot.com, has some very funny videos about Ninjas and their way of life. I swear that the Ninja guy is Ben Stiller, at least that's who he reminds me of.

I was thinking today about how easy it can be to become popular on the internet. Things get around so fast now that if you have something that is any good, everyone hears about it. However internet fame is shorter lived then other types of fame...maybe the should change the saying "15 minutes of fame" to something like "50 page views of fame"...or something.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Book #1 Down

That's right. I finished a book in three days, that is a new personal record for me. The book is entitled The Religion War and it is by Scott Adams. This was a sequel to Adams' first book, God's Debris and he is the author of the Dilbert comic strip. The book, unlike the comic strip, held my attention for it's duration. Although it is a fictional book, it deals with some good questions and will definitely make you think about the way that you view the world and even yourself.

My Flickr Pro account is up and running now so you can almost bet that there will be new pictures there everyday. Speaking of pictures I have noticed over my time of getting into photography that people get nervous when you get your camera out. I recall a time when I was in Boston over Christmas break where I was going to take a picture of a cool waterwall inside an office building. No sooner did I have my camera out when a security guard barked at me. Apparently I am working for al Qadea...or maybe people are getting just a little too paranoid. I mean after they told me not to take a picture inside, I went outside on the street and snapped a picture of the building.

I don't know how many fans of Seinfeld there are out there reading this, or any other TV show, but Future Shop is having a sweet sale this week. Buy one box set get the another free! I picked up seasons three and four of Seinfeld to complete my collection up to season 5. You need to check it out.

Building Block Murder Case...

New "Random Link of the Week" is up. Check it out.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Photos, Facial Hair and Page Numbers

I spent almost three hours driving around and taking pictures today. How could I not, it was plus 9 degrees out...in February! I think I snapped over 100 frames in that time and I got some really nice ones too. I'll put one or two up with this post, and once I get my Pro Flickr account I will put most of them up there so keep checking!

Facial Hair
I had the wonderful opportunity to go out with Diana the other night to go see a movie. Yipee for date night! Well we went and saw The Matador, here is some advice...don't go see it nor rent it. It was filled with foul mouthed men watching half dressed women. During the parts where they weren't cursing up and down, I noticed that the two main characters had mustaches...and then I remembered that Nick off of CSI also has a mustache this season. What gives? I mean I can handle the mullet coming back because it is fun to laugh at it, but a mustache...just plain gross.

Page Numbers
While in Moncton yesterday with Diana we made the usual stop at Chapter's/Starbucks. It was there that I decided that I would start reading again on a regular basis. I picked up three books when I was there...discount section of course! Anyway my goal it to read one book a month. Shouldn't be too hard but then again I get distracted really easily. I'm going to add a "What I am Reading" section sometime soon so you can check out what I am indulging my mind in.

Ok time for bed. See ya tomorrow.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I Can Come Out of the Closet Now...

...that is according to AJ Thomas anyway. Well it is official, I will now be doing my internship with AJ at Hillside Wesleyan! Not going to lie...I am pretty stoked about the whole thing. One thing is for sure I am going to have one of the best internships around. (That was for AJ because he likes butt-kissers.)

It has been a few days since the last post but I am going to start going for quality not quantity...ok that's a lie I have just been a little bit busy/tired. But now that I have my strength back I can give you the "Hand of the week". This week's round of applause goes to none other then Canada. (Cherish this America cause it doesn't come often that I will make fun of my own country.)

As many of you know we here in the Great White North (GWN) had an election last week. This election was brought on by the absolute corruption of the Liberal party that was under the helm of Paul Martin. Enter the newly elected Progressive Conservative party with their leader Stephen Harper, which in itself is not where the "hand" comes in. I mean they might actually overturn the ruling on Same Sex Marriage. The problem is the fact that this is a minority government, this means that our government does not have the power to pass bills and stuff without the help of their opposition. Oh an to add to insult this isn't the first time either. Way to go us. Alright I think I will get back to my regularly scheduled programming...at least Canadians know when the US is having an election...LOL.

Well I think that is all for tonight. Be sure to come back often and check out the Random Link of the Week!!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Your Ultimate Destiny...

...is to check out this week's Random Link. Trust me I know what's best, I play a doctor on TV.
Diana I missed you!
What a weekend! Ok not really, I didn't do much of anything. Diana was gone this weekend which made everything ten times more boring. I mean your best friend makes everything more entertaining! I spent the majority of the weekend in Saint John doing my Student Ministry at Saint John First.

I will only say this once. EVERY guy out there has to watch the Band of Brothers mini-series. I just watched the last one last night with the boys. Incredible. I mean you can't go wrong with both Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg directing and producing. This series is gripping and you can't help but to fall in love with some of the characters. EVERY guy has to watch this. Frig! Said it twice...

Well I should probably stop typing seeing as how Massie is trying to have a nap. Well hopefully more to come soon this week...that is providing I get that 8 page paper that I have to do done...maybe I should start on that...

Friday, January 27, 2006

Rob This One Is For You

I am slowing discovering a new browser known as Flock. You need to check it out it's got some great features...

Done & Done

Finally it's the weekend. No more classes or chapel services and practices!! It's been a very busy week so far and I can't wait to get to kick back and relax. In fact I am so tired I am not going to post anything to deep, well that's not true. Here is my contribution to the start of your weekend...gotta love Chuck Norris.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Thank-You Sir may I Have Another...

Service during the week that is. Along with practices before and after which in total eat up 5 hours of my day. See you sometime in February.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Beam Me Down Kidney...

Wanna know more? See this week's Random Link.

This well I am going to start a new addition to Think-Pad called, "Let's give them a hand." This week's winner of a round of applause is Gillette. Why you ask? Because they created Fusion, no not
a nuclear reaction, the monstrosity that you see on the left there.

That my friends is the new Gillette Fusion, a 5 blade shaving system, no I didn't stutter I said FIVE BLADES. Oh and it's battery powered too just like the M3 power. Does anybody think that this is maybe a bit of overkill? I mean they did step right over the whole 4 blade shaving system. Just no need.

I tell you what I think. I think that Gillette is trying to take over the world. It's a huge conspiracy. I mean why else would they put so many friggin' blades on a razor? I tell you why, because they are expecting numerous people (men) to slit their throats with their product. And if that doesn't work, they'll get you with the battery. Come on Gillette, a battery by water? I for one will not fall for the oldest trick in the book. So start spreading the awareness or you too could be found in a pool of blood when all you wanted to do was trim your sideburns.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cursed By The Computer gods...and The Hamburglar

It is true. Last night I had stellar internet, now a little bit faster then dial-up. I agree with your comment on the last post Matt, wireless does suck here and I don't know why. Oh well at least it is good enough that I can post some things.

So I went with Paul to McDonald's after our last morning class today around 11 o'clock. We both learned some new things about McDonald's today. First we learned that they extended their breakfast hours which, correct us if we are wrong, used to end at 10:30am but they have now moved to 11am. All around that is not a bad thing cause their breakfast can be good. However the second thing that we discovered was kind of shocking. McDonald's doesn't know about lunch.

That's right. It sneaks up on them everyday and they fail to see the pattern of when the sun is directly overhead that people eat LUNCH. We pulled up to the drive-thru and there was a car infront of us when we over heard, "we're sorry but we're not ready for lunch yet." WHAT?!?! How can you not be ready for lunch yet? It happens every freaking day! I mean you know when you stop serving breakfast cause you set the hours Ronald. I mean do they have a 20 minute period where they just shut down and don't serve anything? I don't think so, there is no lull in business at McDonald's.

I think the thing that does it for me though is the fact that they are usually pretty strict with the end of breakfast and when it happens. Hey Ronnie, don't give me a hard time about being 1 minute late for breakfast if you are not prepared to serve me anything else.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Day I Fought the Internet...And I Eventually Won

What a day and a half it has been. I went from having ok internet to pretty much no internet and now I have the best internet that I have had all year. See I get internet off good ol' Brad Swink in Ingerhole and it worked fine up until yesterday when it's like it went to dial-up. And that my friends is very frustrating. Anywayz, I got it fixed and I am back and faster then ever.

Due to the first internet shortage of 2006 I was unable to update the Random Link of the Week as usual yesterday, however you can rest assured that it is updated now with a new and exciting link. I especially like this week's link. I'll give you a hint. The 80's.

The snow is back, that kinda sucks.

Well I will write more tonight when I get back in, but as for now I have a date with my girlfriend at the Green's house! Peace.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Time Goes By, So Slowly?

I think that Madonna has it all wrong in her new song actually. Time does not go by so slowly, infact more often then not it goes by way too fast. Yes I know that there are times that you want time to go by quickly, like when it is Friday afternoon and you're in a really boring class and you just want the weekend to be there. Or when you are having killer runny diarrhea, you want that to go by quickly too. However we all have times we wish that time would have gone by more slowly. Maybe some time our family, or more time with that special someone, or maybe even just more time for a lunch break. I think I may have stumbled upon the reason that time seems to go by so fast and here's why.

See it is all in how we view time, all in how we read it. We live in a world that is consumed by having everything quickly. That's mistake number one; a fast paced life. We don't take the time to enjoy the little things. Mistake number two; rounding up. Yes that's right, that little mathematical concept that you wish the government would exercise on your taxes is, infact, a time killer. When you look at the clock do you find yourself saying it is 4:30 when it is actually 4:21? Some of you may not even notice that you do it but in your head you see 7:45 as close to 8 o'clock. This is where you lose the time.

Take each minute as it comes and don't give it up before it happens.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I think I may head to the beach...

I mean why not? It is practically +10 degrees outside. That my friends is ridiculous, just plain ridiculous. I am sitting here at my desk with the window open! Although it's a great day to take pictures. I went out earlier this afternoon and snapped a few and I am going back out tonight with Diana to see if maybe I can get some more. Going to post the best ones later tonight on my Flickr so check back!

I'm going to share with you something that I though of while on the road on the way to Boston while at a gas station. Now if what I have heard is true, then in other countries they don't eat or shake hands with the hand that you wipe with. (Your butt that is.) We don't do that here in North America and maybe that is the problem with our governments & politicians. Any deals that they shake on or any sincere greetings that they give to foreign officials are only as good as their last wipe. Just think about it.

That's all I have got for now, but have a good weekend and come back soon ya hear!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Well I have to say that it hasn't really been winter here in New Brunswick yet. I mean yeah we have had some snow and a decent storm or two but it's been unbelievably warm out so far. I mean I am looking out my window and I see a field of grass surrounded by snow only left because it's piled together from where they plow. Maybe we won't have a winter. Maybe this whole Green House Effect thing isn't a government conspiracy to increase profits from sunscreen sales. Makes you wonder though huh? It's been so warm that I am changing the name of January to Januly (January + July). Catchy huh?

In other new I am just about finished my first week of class for my last (fingers crossed) semester here. It went by decently fast although not too fast and that's ok. I think I am going to want to enjoy my time here with people that I love and friends that I might not get to see again for a long time. My internship is coming up this summer and the details are being hammered out as we speak. Once things are made official I will share more but for now out of respect for the church I will keep it under wraps.

I'm doing a student ministry in Saint John this semester at Saint John First. I'll be leading worship and such so that should be fun and if you have trouble deciding what church to go to on Sunday (Bethany Students) come to Saint John (trust me), I mean there will be some weeks that I will just be playing...so it won't be that bad!

Well Blogger says that there is a scheduled outage coming up in about 5 minutes so I guess I should publish this thing before I lose it. Have a good one.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm telling you...

If Starbucks would just switch over to a normal sizing system this all could have been avoided.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Just for now...

New Random Link of the Week is up, check it out.

More Classes...

Here I am. At the start of what is hopefully the last semester I will spend at Bethany Bible College. Classes start tomorrow at 8am. Yuck.

In other news my girlfriend has updated her blog. You should check it out! Here.

Ok bed so I can get to class without being a zombie. Night all.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What the!

I just happened to glance at the back of the package of the straightening cream that I put in my hair this morning and this is what I read:

"Final Product Not Tested on Animals."

What the frig?!?! You'll test all other stages of the product on animals but not the final product?! That's not good enough. How do I know that the final product is safe for me?

(I hope to goodness you all know that this is a joke. I neither support or condone animal testing! But that is what it said on the package.)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Golden Boys!

One reason why I love this country!!

I might actually watch...

I have to say that I have never really cared about the Oscars. Really the Oscars have less to do with people outside the movie biz then they would want you to think. Why would I tune into a show that is made up of a bunch of over-paid actors tooting their own horns?

Well this year they actually have given me a reason to watch. Jon Stewart. That's right the host of the Daily Show will be MCing the event this year. It will be good because Jon will actually make fun of the people who win, but not with funny little jabs like Chris Rock or Billy Cyrstal did, but full out attacks on their character. This should be good...

And make sure that you watch the World Junior Hockey Gold Medal game tonight at 7pm. Canada vs. Russia and it will be a good one!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Going up?

This past week in Boston I had the privilege of staying at the beautiful Sheraton Hotel downtown. I have to say that it was the nicest hotel that I have ever stayed in but there was one problem, I was not the only one staying there. Along with all the regular guests there were all the kids who were at the Logos5 youth convention that I was working at.

Imagine 1800 teenagers just running around a hotel, trust me it got nuts at times and one of the biggest frustrations were the junior highers! For some reason they thought that the elevators were giant toys to be ridden up and down continuously. This made getting to your room quickly almost impossible as kids were constantly pressing all the buttons and then getting off or walking by the elevator on their floor and pressing the button for it to stop. You don't know how many times it would stop on a floor and no one would get on or off. Freakin' kids.

One thing that came out of the extra time that I had in the elevator was observing how people act in one. I have to say that after a week of watching people, an elevator is one of the most socially awkward places that one could be. People don't really talk to each other let alone look at each other. And I have yet to be on an elevator that has music. I don't know where this urban legend came from but from my experience elevator music is a huge myth. It doesn't exist.

More stories from Boston to come, I mean I don't want to use them all on you the first day! Till tomorrow.

More at 11....

This is going to be short because it's late but I am back from Boston! Diana and I made it back yesterday in time to spend New Year's Eve with family and friends. We had a blast and I think that Boson is probably one of our favorite cities ever.

To answer your question Rob I did get the Nikon D50. I bought it down in Boston though so it is only about 3 days old. Still figuring out all the settings that it has and such but it is an amazing camera that take beautiful pictures, and they'll be even better once I figure out what I am doing!

I'm going to write more about the trip tomorrow hopefully so check back often cause I have a lot to talk about. For now you can check out some of the pics that I took while down there, they're posted on my Flickr account. Oh and as if I would miss a week, the new Random Link is up and ready to keep you entertained so enjoy.

See you tomorrow, of and Massie I will be posting videos more too, just for you!

Empty seats at Fenway Park.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Picture of the Month

Jon and Diana Picture for December (Downtown Boston)