Monday, October 31, 2005

Taking The Fight on Terrorism to the Streets

WASHINGTON, DC—Responding to "a possible threat of terror and fright," Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced Monday that trick-or-treaters will be subject to random bag searches this Halloween season.

Police prepare for a long and spooky night.
"Individuals concealing their identities through clever disguise, and under cover of night, may attempt to use the unspecified threat of 'tricks' to extort 'treats' from unsuspecting victims," Chertoff said. "Such scare tactics may have been tolerated in the past, but they will not be allowed to continue this Halloween."
While he would not elaborate on the specific threat, Chertoff said his office had "heard a couple spooky tales," and indicated that there was good reason to believe that Americans face "a very ghoulish scenario" this October.

"We have done and will continue to do everything we can to protect citizens from those who would play on our fears," a haunted Chertoff said. "Nevertheless, Americans are advised to be in a state of readiness."
National Guard troops and local police are being stationed at checkpoints in residential neighborhoods to seize the contents of any paper bags, pillowcases, plastic pumpkins, or other receptacles. Additionally, candy-sniffing dogs will be posted at regular intervals to locate and devour suspicious items.
Local, county, and state officials have been placed on orange alert, with strict orders to confiscate and investigate bags containing Bit-O-Honey, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Twix, Butterfingers, Mr. Goodbar, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, gum, and any and all forms of taffy.

Chertoff discusses possible perpetrators of Halloween mischief.
Chertoff asked Washington citizens for their assistance, and he outlined steps that the average citizen should take to aid in the war on fright. The DHS guidelines encourage parents to report any suspicious neighbors who create potentially spooky yard displays, especially those that include candle-illuminated pumpkin faces, skeletons in windows or doorways, or repeating tape loops of werewolf howling.

Chertoff recommended that law-enforcement authorities be granted sweeping new powers to ensure security, including mandatory street-corner identity checks for suspects wearing clothing designed to conceal facial features or otherwise obscure ready personal identification. Additionally, local police have been ordered to detain any individuals appearing to be ghosts, goblins, witches, or other characters designed to evoke fear.
Critics of the warning say that the DHS is merely sowing seeds of unease for political reasons, pointing out that the organization has yet to present any real evidence of the threat.
"This is yet another misguided and unfair example of profiling by our nation's law enforcement," said ACLU spokesperson Marilee McInnis. "It's doubtful that many G.I. Joes will be searched, but Aladdins, genies, and belly dancers should expect a huge crimp in their Halloween fun."

Another late night...

...and another very early post. I really don't have too much to say right now at this point in time. I mean it is 3:45am and I just finished my last sermon outline for Wisdom Lit. that is due this morning at 10am. But since I don't want to disappoint all you early week blog seekers, check out the new Random Link of the Week. In a word, someone needs to stop them! (Ok that's at least three words) But seriously I couldn't believe it. (Don't worry the video is english)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Picture of the Month

Jon and Diana Picture for October

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Tommy, Ralph and Calvin...This GUY is So Much Better Then You!

Remember high school? I know that for some, that was a while ago and requires some extra hard thinking, but please humor me. What did you wear for clothes? Or in my case what did all the cool people wear for clothes?

Well if you're from my era you're picturing Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. How I am glad that those days are over! Over priced clothing that gave you immediate social status was not the way the world of fashion was meant to be. And remember what wasn't cool? Second-hand clothes...but thanks to places like Frenchy's, The Salvation Army and others, thrift store shopping is very acceptable and even the norm in a lot of cases. (Except for those guys and girls who still wear way too much CK One...and think that they are still in grade 12.)

But I've been noticing a that once unpopular turned popular things regularly travel; price hikes. Now I still love Frenchy's and I will shop there for much longer, but tonight I was amazed. I bought 4 items...and it cost me $20! Now in the grand scheme of things that's not a whole lot, but for Frenchy's it is. I think that if this trend continues I am going to start a new one...Designing and making my own clothes.

This hoodie is affectionately titleled The "Violet" Hood. The reason for this
is so that I can appeal to the thug demographic. It's actually quiet clever
how I arrived at the name simply by removing the 'n' from the word 'violent'.

Yes that is a lion. A bold statement I know but it must be made none the less. I am
also changing the generic name of this product from a 't-shirt' to a 'b-shirt', after all
I am the one who designed it...and that 't' guy doesn't seem to be around anymore.

Finally we have the masterpiece to my collection. The Shants. Yes I went there.
The Shants are my answer to the zip-off pants that I despise. In theory
the zip-offs were a good idea, if you're hot zip-off, if you're cold zip back on.
However this posed far too much work and finding a place to keep the
zip-off portion of the pants while you are on the road is such a hassle. Not to
mention the unsightly seams for the zippers. Now with one full leg and on short
leg, you can enjoy the warmth and breeziness you so desire both at the same
time. Thus helping you to maintain a perfect core body temperature all the time, with
no zipping!

These are my works so far. Feel free to spread word around and I will be taking orders soon...I hope you like what you see, and if not, pray Frenchy's keeps their prices low!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

And So It Begins...

The preparations for Booster. What a week and a half it is going to be.

And it all starts tonight with band practice. I will say that it is kind of a blessing to get to do worship for all the kids because it is something that I enjoy doing. Then after practice tonight I have other things that I must do because I am working in Admissions for the semester, that means a lot of running around. So I apologize in advance if you or one of your youth end up staying in my room and I never see you.

After all that I have to organize the softball game for Saturday afternoon at 2pm. So if you are a youth pastor, and are coming to Booster, and are reading this right now; BRING YOUR BALL GLOVE!! And please let me know as soon as possible if you are wanting play!

On another note, I am going to win an Xbox 360...thanks to Pepsi!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


While on I found out this:

A ghoul is,

n 1: someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection [syn: graverobber, body snatcher] 2: an evil spirit or ghost.

Ok, I am fine with the ghost thing, but the primary meaning is a body snatcher? Like is it a job? I haven't heard anyone growing up and saying "I want to be a ghoul, just like my daddy!"

Sugar and Spice...

I'm always looking for new ways to make your visit to the Think-Pad more enjoyable. Today I am introducing a new feature called the "Random Link of the Week". This will be a link that is located in my sidebar and it will be updated every week. This site will usually be something that I have stumbled across on the net that is either funny, helpful or generally just a waste of time! I hope that you enjoy it and keep checking for new ones!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm a Gangster, I'm Iced Out Like a Freezer, I'm a Gangster

Ok, what's the deal with all the rain lately? I mean I am very thankful that I don't have to experience the hurricanes and earthquakes and landslides that are going on in the world...but seriously stuff can only get so wet! I was pondering this over today and what could be the possible reason for the recent downpours...our old friend EL NINO!!! And for my non-Spanish speaking readers, THE NINO!! (A little SNL there for ya!)

Well to catch ya up on the last few days, I haven't really done a whole lot besides the two mid-terms I had yesterday. Talk about I should have studied more! Ha, oh well it's only mid-terms right? Umm what else...oh I watched the Family Guy movie about Stewie...I wouldn't suggest it to the faint of heart. Let's just say there are a few questionable scenes in it, over all it's freaking hilarious but some very wrong parts.

Halloween is coming up and I want to know your opinions on it. Is it an evil day that we as Christians should not take part in? Or is it just a fun day where kids get free candy? Thoughts? Have a good one,

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Saga Continues...

The room saga that is. It is 1am and for some reason Chris and I have this new obsession with rearranging our room. Tonight we moved our beds to a new spot and then proceeded to add Christmas lights (they make it feel homey), a picture frame and my picture. What will be next? I think we will add a porch to our second story window...until then Peace out.

Friday, October 21, 2005

A very scary night...

Well the night started off with a pretty rare occurrence. Yeah I don't know if anyone out there could ever guess what happened so I will tell you.

As Diana and I were driving to her house from the school, we went to pull into her driveway and lone behold there was a drunk man passed out laying half on the road and half in her driveway. I have to say that it was kind of creepy...although not too creepy that I didn't try to snap a picture for proof.

I took the initial picture without a flash and so that would be why it's so dark. I had to play around in Photoshop to get it so you could actually see him. I was going back for another picture with the flash, but as I was he began to come to. This prompted me to go back in the house.

Now the second reason why it was a scary night is the fact that it is actually day. Now that's not a big deal unless you know that I am posting this at 7am...which would never happen. That is unless I pulled an all nighter...which Chris and I did.

For the first time sans "Da Family", Massie and I went all night with out even laying down. As a matter of fact we rearranged our room...and we are pretty sure that it's the best room arrangement in TP ever. So stop by and check it out and open door on Saturday. Oh and I successfully got all my work done!! Time for breakfast! Wow I haven't said that since the last time I went to a restaurant that served breakfast all day! Later!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Post Everyone Has Been Waiting For...

Mood: Busy
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
The Young and the Hopeless - Good Charlotte

Here are my new goodies!!

I realize that my scanning job leaves a bit more to be desired...but I'm busy!

Wow what a catch Mrs. Maxwell!!

There ya go, I hope that you like them. Once again I would like to thank people who leave old year books just laying around for this kind of thing to happen! It's you who make this possible! Now I have to get back to that work that I have due may not hear from me for a little bit after this. Tomorrow the Board of Trustees is here and I have to work banquets all weekend so if I don't see you between now and then, have a good weekend!

Kind of Gross

Mood: Scholarly

Musical Interlude:
Snowbirds & Townies - (The Good) Further Seems Forever
(Hit Me) Baby One More Time - Aaron Hale
Half Moon Bay - Ronnie Day

So I'm in the middle of writing a paper to finish off my seminar work. Basically what that means is that this post will be short on original content, and for that I apologize. But I promise you that you will want to check back tomorrow in the afternoon or early evening because I'll be posting something really special!

Now if this story that I found on an NBC affiliate website doesn't motivate you to get some physical exercise...nothing will.

A dramatic rescue ended tragically in Florida Wednesday when a woman died after being stuck to her couch. Rescuers responded to a call at the Martin County home of a woman who was having trouble breathing. The difficulty arose when emergency workers failed, after six hours, to dislodge 480-pound Gayle Laverne Grinds, from the couch in her home. Workers said the home was filthy, and Grinds, 40, was too large to get up from the couch, even to use the bathroom.

Authorities estimate that she had been on the couch anywhere from two to six years. Her skin had reportedly grafted to the fabric in the couch. Rescuers removed a sliding glass door in order to lift the couch, with the woman on it, and load it onto a trailer behind a pickup truck. She died at Martin Memorial Hospital South, Orlando, still attached to the couch. A preliminary autopsy on the the four-foot, ten-inch woman lists the cause of death as "morbid obesity."

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Ah yes, the classic pumpkin Jack-o-Lantern!! That's what Diana and I did last night! It was real fun. We carved and gutted those things real good. Then the only problem was that neither of us could figure out what to put on them! After you see these pics you should be able to see who's the more creative one in this relationship!

Incase you need to know, Diana's is the pumpkin on the right.

I think that you have to agree mine is more intimidating though right?

Man am I lucky!! (Incase you couldn't tell from the long hair, I'm the one on the left!)

Just another day...

Word of the Afternoon: Boredom

Musical Influence:
23 - Jimmy Eat World
Boys of Summer - The Ataris
Milk & Cereal - G Love and Special Sauce
Grand Theft Autumn - Where is Your Boy - Fallout Boy

Oh wait no it's not just another day, we have a wonderful campus assembly today at 3:30pm! Yahoo! Oh wait is that copyrighted? Sorry I mean Yaha! Anyway,

These campus assemblies, for those of you that have never had the privilege of sitting through one, is a time where the student body is united for an hour and a half of droning pretty much. Covering things that everyone either already knows or doesn't care about. Sure every once and a while there is something good to hear, although generally that could have been dealt with through campus mail. Alright enough with that.

They started digging for the foundation to the new chapel yesterday. There are a plethora of trucks outside my window that were making noise early this morning...not that I was sleeping or anything. It's kinda cool to see this stuff actually going down.

And finally for now, I have put it off for as long as I can, I am upset at Apple. I can't believed that they screwed me over...or made a good business move...well whatever. I bought my new iPod as you know a few short weeks ago and last week I could have swore. They released a new video iPod last week with a bigger screen and 10 more gigs of memory space. But here's the kicker. It's the same price of the one that I just bought 2 weeks before hand!! Couldn't they have sent me an e-mail? Did I miss the memo? Apple, I am broken hearted and discontented.

Monday, October 17, 2005

One thing I forgot to give thanks for at Thanksgiving

Advil Cold & Sinus. Yep the dreaded Bethany flu is going around and I am one of the lucky first people to get it. So I have been poppin' pills like a mad man and haven't really had a lot of time or energy and will to update. So instead of doing a full fledged post I'll just share this with you. I though that since Halloween in right around the corner, and people are generally getting lazier this would be of some use to someone so enjoy!! (Taken from The scary part is that the tip at the bottom means someone actually tried this!

How to Carve a Fancy Pumpkin With a Dremel

So, you want a fancy carved pumpkin, but you don't want to spend a lot of time on it? Welcome to the age of technology. An electric dremel tool and a few cookie cutters will have your pumpkin up and glowing in a flash.

1. Select a pumpkin with a smooth surface.

2. Draw a pattern on a separate piece of paper. Some suggestions are bats, skulls, spiders and ghosts. Or find cookie cutters in scary shapes to use as an outline. (Image 1)

3. Cut away the top part surrounding the stem, and remove any seeds and pulp from inside the pumpkin. (Image 2)

4. Draw the pattern on the surface of the pumpkin, and cut around the outline with a sharp knife. Alternatively, press the cookie cutter of choice into the orange skin to create the outline. (Image 3)

5. Use the dremel drill to remove the areas that are to be completely cut out -eyes, mouth, nose, etc.

6. Remove the orange part of the skin inside the outline with the dremel tool. A dremel tool resembles a bulky electric toothbrush but is actually a small drilling tool. There are many types of attachments available for this versatile piece of equipment, including high-speed cutting bits, saw blades and drilling tips. (Image 4)

7. Select the bit (tip) of the dremel tool based on the finished effect you desire. The deeper you cut into the pumpkin's flesh, the more light will shine through. (Image 5)

8. Place a votive candle inside the pumpkin once you are finished. The light from the candle will provide an eerie glow.

click photos to enlarge

1. Image 1
2. Image 2
3. Image 3
4. Image 4
5. Image 5

Mistakes and slips of the knife can be mended by pinning the skin back in place with a toothpick or two.

This job is beyond messy! Wear an apron and safety goggles, and cover the surrounding work area with newspaper or plastic sheeting to prevent a daunting cleanup job.

Tips from eHow Users:
Cover your Dremel (saves cleaning!) by Star B.
Place the Dremel (minus the bit) into a plastic bag. Punch a hole in the bag, add the bit, and use the Dremel either in or through the bag. Dremels get the pumpkin mush flying - this saves a lot of cleanup and protects the Dremel.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Jon & Chris' Day Out

So it's Friday and neither myself nor my roommate have afternoon classes. Because of this we usually sit in our room, stare at our computer screens and pray that supper comes soon. Not today though, today was different, we were spontaneous...well as spontaneous as you can be at Bethany in Sussex, we decided to go to the bluffs.

I have to say that it was a great idea, I mean how can roommate bonding time ever be a bad idea? Yeah it can't. So we set out on our little 20 minute hike to the top of this "hill" in the outskirts of Sussex. Just incase you have never been to Bethany or have no idea what the Bluffs are...they're pretty much a make-out, take out, get engaged place for Bethany students, luckily neither of these things are what Chris and I set out to do.

Fall in the Maritimes is wonderful. The colors and cool, crisp breeze help make fall my favorite season of the year. It's amazing to me that anytime that you take a minute and look at the world around us, God can speak to you almost louder then if He talked to you in an audible voice. And not too mention fall makes a great time for taking pictures for a photo-geek like myself so I hope that you like some of the shots that I got...and if not well that's ok because I do and that is all that matters!!

Ok enough of this nature stuff...Chris and I had a little fun too...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


As those of you who went to or still go to Bethany know, our yearbook is called the Torch. Well the other day Diana and I were going through some of the old editions of the Torch and came up with these pictures.

Introducing my top 5 Torch photos from the 80's.

Now I am confused...GI Joe or Dean Higle? You decide.

Is there a rule that states that the Director of Student Ministries can't try out for a worship team?

If only he could know grammar as well as he does the Gospels.

Dean Higle? Gym? Well I know that he's in great shape but you would think it would be hard to run around wearing his wife's pants!

Lynn, I know that if you ever hear about this you'll kill could I have one last grilled cheese before I go?

Monday, October 10, 2005

Picture of the Month

Diana and Jon picture for September...

Orcs & Elves

I did it. I finally saw one of the Lord of the Rings movies. Yes that is right, I am probably one of the 10 people on the face of the earth that hadn't seen any of them until last night. Diana and I were actually planning to watch all three of them in one day, all of them the extended versions too. However after watching the first one that lasted pretty much four hours, we took the advice of the guy at Blockbuster who thought that we were nuts, we only watched the first one.

I have to say that I really enjoyed it though. I am not usually into Sci-Fi kind of movies like Star Wars and stuff like that, but this movie was really well done. The cinematogrphy was incredible and this is actually one movie that I kind of like Orlando Bloom. (Generally though he is a pansy.) Oh and due to all the sweet fight scenes in Fellowship of the Ring my new favorite word is "tough", and my new favorite phrase, "that was tough." Because indeed there were some very tough fight scenes, like when Legolas took an arrow, stabbed it through an Orc's face and then proceeded to remove the arrow and use it to shoot another Orc. That my friends is tough.

Friday, October 07, 2005

So Long Sweet Mullet...

Well I am going home this weekend for Thanksgiving and getting a hair cut while I am there. So I thought it fitting to get a few last snapshots of me and my Bethany "inappropriate" hair-style before she hits the floor in the barber-shop.

Don't worry though all is not lost. I am only getting a trim, an inch or two at the most so the shag will remain intact!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving...and make sure that you give thanks that you don't look like this...

or this...

Thursday, October 06, 2005


That's what eBay is now, a proverbial land fill for people to throw junk. I was just surfing eBay for about an hour and I have to say the amount of junk on there is ridiculous. Not only the junk but all the posts of stuff that you can never be sure are going to make it to you if you order it.

I wish I had gotten in on the eBay train back in it's glory days when there was actually decent stuff on there, when people were trust worthy, a time before internet junkers. disgust me, you stink more then the landfill off the highway heading into Fredericton. (And that's pretty bad)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Wait is Over

Finally today marks the day where NHL hockey once again takes it's place in our everyday lives. After the poorly thought out work stoppage that kept there from being happiness in Canadians lives, we once again can embrace one of our true loves.

Along with this new season comes changes that will take everyone awhile to get used to. New rules like two-line passes, smaller goalie equipment and a shoutout to determine tie games after a five minute over-time. Also new faces on teams like Forsburg on the Flyers and Heatly on the Sens. With all these changes it will definitely make hockey interesting to watch and also a bit more difficult to make your picks for your fantasy pool. I know that you can't wait for the puck to be dropped...

As for me, I'll get into it after the World Series!

Is the Mark Built In??

Found on Yahoo News.

A San Francisco start-up, Pay By Touch Solutions, is expected to announce today $130 million in fresh financing for a novel way of paying for groceries and other goods and services: a machine that reads your fingerprint.
The capital raised -- $55 million of it in convertible notes and $75 million in loans -- will help the company build out its finger-reading payment systems at several nationwide retailers, including in California in the first quarter of next year.

The company has already rolled out its so-called ``biometric'' payment system in a ``couple of hundred'' stores, mostly on the East Coast.

Here's how it works: Customers sign up once, by registering a checking account or a credit card, and showing government identification such as a driver's license. The Pay by Touch technology records the lines and ridges of their fingerprints, and translates the data into a numerical algorithm that is stored in a secure database. The customers thereafter never have to carry a wallet or purse back to the store, and can use their finger to pay for goods across the Pay By Touch network, which now includes stores in 10 states.

Most recently, Pay By Touch announced the system had been implemented across 85 stores in the Piggly Wiggly Carolina grocery chain. The company has also signed a half-dozen contracts with other supermarket chains, including two of the top five in the country, said John Morris, president and chief operating officer.

The goal, said Morris, is to be the dominant player in the biometric transactions area.

Installing the hardware costs a couple of hundred dollars per lane, said Morris, for which capital needs to be raised upfront. Pay By Touch is sharing the cost of each installation, and it gets a fee per transaction of between 12 and 14 cents, he said.

That is cheaper than what stores pay for alternative payment methods, he explained. A credit card transaction typically costs a store about 60 cents for an average $25 purchase of groceries. A debit card costs a store about 50 cents, and a paper check costs 39 cents. Even cash costs a store about 19 cents, after things like handling, shrinkage and the cost of an armored car are factored in, he said.

Pay By Touch will also help manage discount and other store loyalty programs. Customers will be able to swipe their finger into a device at restaurants and see the meals they have already purchased, and waiters can offer them deals based on their preferences and so on, said Morris. The company also wants to introduce the system to the health care arena so that patients can use it for payments and records.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Go See This...

Ok so it had been awhile since I had been to the movies, but I finally got out the other night. Originally Diana and I were suppose to go and see "The Constant Gardener" but it wasn't playing any more. We had heard that Four Brothers was good so we thought we would give it a shot.

If you have a chance to see this movie, do! It was incredible. Marky Mark has never been so good and who would have thought that Outkast could act as good as he did! This movie has a great plot and some really good action and cinematography in it so check it out!!

In other news, BBC played some more softball this weekend in the tournment that we host and we definitely won all of our a matter of fact I have the trophy sitting on my desk right now. It was a good weekend considering I didn't get hit in the head with anymore balls...but I pray that God is with Brewer right now because of the shot that he took to the pills. (Get better little buddies!)