Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Boston in T-Minus 1 Hour...

Almost ready to hit the road. Thankfully it has almost stopped snowing out, cause if it hadn't there would be no way that we would be leaving this morning. I'm excited about going to Boston, staying in the Sheraton and spending time with Diana...I'm a little less excited about the boring drive through Maine. (Sorry if you live there it is just the drive on i95 to Bangor is killer, I'd rather wash my face with dirty underwear.)

I need to go pack so wish me luck. Oh! FYI Christmas was really good and I'll share with you what I got later...once I buy it! Hehehe...peace.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

Twas the night before....

OK. Actually right now it's the really early morning before but none the less IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!! I have to say that I am looking forward tomorrow a whole lot. I am still like a little kid when it comes to Christmas. I have a hard time falling asleep and I wake up really early, I guess it must just be the little kid in me.

I'm really looking forward to tonight too though. Tonight I will be attending our Christmas Eve service at our church. I love this service for so many reasons. One, Andy LaPoint singing Oh Holy Night. Yes go ahead and make fun but I have said so many times that it is not actually Christmas until I hear that song because he just does and amazing job on it. Two, the candle lighting at the end of the service. There is just something about a room being lit up with over 400 candles and everyone singing a Christmas hymn...the only down side to this is the lung-cancer hazard the sanctuary becomes once everyone blows out their candle at the end of the service. Yikes!

This will probably end up being on of my last posts on Think-Pad for the year of 2005. After Christmas I will be going to Boston with my lovely girlfriend on the 27th and will be returning...well that is still up in the air. However maybe I will post Christmas day if I have a spare moment to fill you in on what Santa brought me this year. (I hope he finds you too!)

Christmas Eve is one of the best nights of the year and I'm pretty jazzed about it. I hope that this year it's no different for you and your family. From all of us here at Think-Pad (which is just me...) have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

PS - I'm not going to leave you empty-handed for Christmas!! Here a few things for you to enjoy, my gifts to you.

2005 in Pictures and The Night Before A Non-Denominational Winter Holiday.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Lions & Sacks...of Toys...

This past Saturday I had the privilege of going to see The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with Diana. I have to say that I was impressed. The movie was very well done and the computer animation, especially on Aslan, was so good it was hard to tell he wasn't real. However as the movie came to an end and people began to file out of the theater, which was pretty much full, Diana and I began to discuss the movie, it's meaning and how many people had any idea of the symbolism

Now coming from the background that I am from, and living in the Bethany Bubble, it's no wonder how I could easily assume that everyone else that was there that night to see the movie knew all the stuff that Diana and I did. Reflecting on that though, I've come to think that hardly any of the people in the theater may have know the symbolism that is to be found in the movie. I wonder if those who didn't know, found out that Aslan symbolizes Christ, would they still go and see the movie? Would they still allow their kids to go to it? I hope so, and I also hope that we as Christians can use this movie as a tool just like the Passion.

I almost cried when Aslan died. It's weird because I don't think I would have if I didn't know what he represented. I love the idea of Christ being portrayed as a lion and not a humble, quiet man. It shows the power he had and that he used it, he just chose not too sometimes.

In other news Santa is due to arrive in less then a week...how fast did Christmas come! Wow. What do you guys want for Christmas? Any plans? Let me know. Alright that's it for this Monday installment of Think-Pad, oh yeah brand new R-LOW (Random Link of the Week) so make sure you check that out for a good time. See ya tomorrow.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What Were You Doing/What Were They Thinking 2005

It's that time of year again, time for bright lights and indoor outdoors (Christmas Trees). A time of year where the focus is on our loved ones and the spirit of Christmas. But perhaps the most prominent occurrence of this time of the year is that of the formation of lists. The "Bests and Worsts"...yada yada yada.

Those lists that I speak of are made by highly paid people, in little cubicles and are printed by little read publications such as the New York Times and Time Magazine. This list is different though. This list is straight from me, Greg (see previous post), and is only found here on Think-Pad where 10's of readers come each year to read something...anyway enough jibber-jabber on with the 2005 edition of "What were you doing/What were they thinking".

First off Movies...

Did you see this movie? Well if not, What Were You Doing?!? In my opinion the best movie of 2005. This flick has everything from drug dealing gangsters to Andre 3000 (Outkast) to Marky Mark. This movie has plenty of action and you cannot watch it all the way through without using the phrase, "That was tough!" Four Brothers is a must see and I would even venture to say that you NEED to have this in your collection. I know I will. I give this movie 4 1/2 Cod out of 5:

Perhaps the biggest production mistake ever! What Were They Thinking?!? I actually just saw this the other night and I have to say it could be the worst movie that I have ever seen. Even worse then the home movie of me picking my nose. Sandler, what were you thinking? I mean one look at the script you should have known it was going to be bad. I mean the whole 2 1/2 hour movie was so a girl could figure out that she was her mother's daughter! Hey genius I could have told you that! Don't waste your time, 1/2 a Cod but that's being generous:

On to Music...

Anyone who has heard any song off of this album knows that it is definitely the Best Album of 2005. And if you didn't listen to it what were you doing?!? Fallout Boy's - From Under Cork Tree is simply amazing. You need to own this album. No downloading or buy from the freakin' iTunes music store allowed, ok maybe downloading... Built on catchy lyrics and music that makes you go hmmm, the single "Sugar We're Going Down Swingin" will move you. Go out and get it now. 5 Cods out of 5:

What were they thinking?!? I mean the movie sucked, who in their right mind would buy the soundtrack? I mean I haven't even listened to it but it is making my ears bleed right now as I think about hearing it. This CD gets minus 2 Cods out of 5: You owe me 2 Cod Sandler, and throw in another half for the one I gave your dumb movie!
Side note: (Movie becomes instantly better when watched with your girlfriend. Ok maybe not the movie, but the 2 1/2 hours is good time spent.)

Play Time!!!

Wow. That's it. Wow. I just got the game 3 days ago, if that, and just beat it. I could not stop playing it. If you don't play this game in 2005 you have to ask yourself what were you doing?!? The graphics, plot and historical accuracy are simply stunning. 5 Cod:

Ok I am in no way straight out bashing the xBox 360. This gaming system is supposed to be the leader in the next generation of gaming. And I know what you are saying, "this isn't a game!" No it may not be a game but right now any game an the 360 is iffy because of all the problems that have been reported with the xBoxes. Rush release, what were they thinking?!? I hope that MS gets it worked out cause I want one. I know that it is breaking the tradition that I have set but because I am not ready to rate the 360 until I have played one, and because so much is still up in the air, it gets 5 question marks out of 5:

Well that does it for the 2005 edition of What were you doing/What were they thinking. Check back again next year for the best and worst of 2006. Oh I almost forgot. Blog of the Year. I have given this alot of thought and I can come to no other conclusion. Kirk Perry, your Life on the Rock. A Habhater's Tale, keeps many entertained all year long and your videos are priceless. If you haven't been to Kirk's blog yet, what were you thinking?!? Congrats my friend on a blog well done.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Just for the record...I am THE Greg.

The whole "Greg" epidemic that is going to be sweeping the nation soon...I started that. When someone randomly calls you "Greg" and you have no idea why, it's because of me. If you need more info feel free to ask me, or one of the four initial Gregs...Sattler, M-Fitz, my bro, and Alli-G.

In other news part of Sussex burnt down tonight. Ok well I think only one building, but still it's the principle. The building next to Zach's Steakhouse, the one with the golf store and something else. No idea what caused it but we should definitely be praying for the owners and their families. It will be tough over the Holiday Season.

Monday, December 12, 2005

What a Week! (And Weekend)

Listening to: Craig's Brother - Falling Out & Set Free
Activity: Putting off studying

Sorry for the long wait between post with any original written content but it was a pretty busy week/end and infact it is even busier now with finals right on top of me. (I have one tonight at 7pm, please pray!)

The Christmas banquet was really, really fun. Not only did I have the best looking date there I had a great time taking part in my first & last Christmas banquet performance. I had the pleasure of doing a punk version of The Most Wonderful Time of the Year into Oh Holy Night with the likes of Josh Harris, Tom Cann, Drew Wallace, Dana Budovitch and John Sherwood. It was so awesome and it went over really well, so well infact that Dean Higle said that it was his favorite part of the night!

New week = New Random Link of the Week = Check it out!

As I mentioned before it is good ol' finals week here at BBC and I can't wait until they are over! I know it is weird to say but I actually looked forward to finals week last year, and for that reason I miss the remainder of Da Family and the Nasa Center that we always set up to play Age of Mythology. Know that Massie and I miss you guys.

Well that is it for now, I really need to get back to studying. Maybe post again tonight...and be on the look out for the first installment of my comic strip Size Matters, coming soon! Wish me luck, peace.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Talk About a Spiritual Experience!

Japanese monk arrested for growing marijuana

TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- Michimaru Obara, 48-year-old monk at Eikoji shrine in Iwate prefecture (state), is suspected of cultivating about 2.4 kilograms (5.3 pounds) of marijuana, according to a police official who refused to give his name due to policy.

Authorities also suspect the monk sold at least 50 grams (1.7 ounces) of the illegal plant to an office worker near Tokyo, the official said.

Obara has already been arrested for drug possession, after police found marijuana at his home last month. The monk has admitted he cultivated the plant for personal consumption, but denies selling his harvest, reports said.

Drug penalties in Japan are harsh. Convicted drug users face up to life in prison under anti-narcotics laws, although most first-time offenders get suspended prison terms.

Monday, December 05, 2005

A New Week a New Post...

Listening to: Craig's Brother - Masoinc

So I was checking out my iTunes stats today and I have 24.72 Gigs of music on my computer. That equals 13.7 days worth of music, some 4832 songs. Now usually I have the problem of trying to decide what to listen to, but I think I have solved my problem, the random button. I have challenged myslef to listen to my entire music collection on random without listening to anything else, should be interesting...

Well it was a long weekend of doing work and going to parties but now most of that is over so I can blog. It was a pretty uneventful weekend for the most part other then the aforementioned Aramark Christmas party that I attended on Saturday night. In the gift exchange I scored some pretty sweet stuff thanks to Lynn Parris! Lynn if you read this...you rock!

This upcoming week should prove to be interesting and busy. The annual BBC Christmas banquet is this upcoming Friday in which I, accompanied by the likes of Tom Cann, Josh Harris, Drew Wallace, John Sherwood and Dana Budovitch will be performing a rendition of "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" which will be something to see. Along with that it's the last week of classes and therefore that means exams are soon. Yea...

I also hope to have a new addition to the blog soon, a weekly comic strip. It's still in its concept stages right now but hopefully by next week sometime I can introduce you to it. It is Monday so you know what that means, yep new Random Link of the Week, so go ahead and indulge yourself in this weeks randomness!! And incase you haven't yet, check out my Flickr page with all my pics! Until next time!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Fierce Competition

Wow the fastfood world is getting crazy! Check this out. What will the Hambugerlar do now?