Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New Website!!!

That's right you heard it, I'm laying the old Think-Pad to rest. I have my new site up and running but there are going to to be kinks the next week or so, so please bare with me. You can get to my new site by clicking on the title of this post or by clicking here.

Oh don't for get to update your bookmarks!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Ok, so was the color orange named becasue of the fruit or was the fruit named after the color? And if that is in fact the case why can't I call banannas yellow?

Monday, September 04, 2006


Yes it is true, Steve Irwin the "crocodile Hunter" is dead. And it's kind of surprising his child in that picture isn't. I have to admire Steve for his hard work in making people aware of many different things in nature but come on! You knew it only had to be a matter of time until his profession caught up to him. None the less, R.I.P. Steve.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I had nothing to do with this.

OK everyone go and Google the word "failure" and look at the first hit. Sorry our southern friends.