Friday, September 30, 2005

Wake Me Up When September Ends...

Wait that's tomorrow! Wow has the first month of school flown by and I have only done one paper so far...and that one I handed in today. I should probably get going on that eh?

So I guess all I have for today is a question to ask you; At what age is it that guys begin to think that it's cool or stylish to tuck their t-shirts into their jeans? I mean seriously guys, I can see tucking a dress shirt into a pair of khakis but t-shirt to jeans?...please stop!! Although I suppose if this guys can get way with his look, a t-shirt tucked into jeans looks like a freakin' tuxedo!

Oh yeah, wanna see some other interesting people, visit

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rate Your Professors...

Ok I don't even know how I stumbled across this site but holy crap Bethany is actually on it! It's kind of funny, I mean you get to rate everyone from Branscombe to Wetherby. There are other schools and an American site. Check it out, rate them and leave a comment!! Click on the post title above to go there...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Well it's finally here. My beautiful iPod Darla. Yes I named it, I mean it does have a personality of it's own! I have to say, it has only been a day since I have had the iPod and I have absolutely fallen in love with it. There are so many things that I can do with it. It syncs with my contacts and calendar from Outlook, I can do slideshows when I am bored in class or even play solitaire. However there are two features that are my absolute favorites; podcasting and audiobooks.

Podcasting, for those of you who don't know, is the ability to receive free audio news updates, cooking shows, sports updates and alot more. A bonus of podcasting is that you can find most of them free and the update with the click of the button. This is handy since here at school I am sheltered from the world and way too busy to sit down and watch TV, I can keep up-to-date with new stories everyday by listening to them when I go to class or even while I lay in bed.

The second feature that I love is the audiobooks. For someone like me who is trying to get into the habit of reading on a regular basis, audiobooks is so handy. You can find books in the iTunes music store or download them, if your conscience doesn't bother you, from other sources. I'll be getting through books a lot faster then I could reading them and since they're audio I seem to pick up on them more. These two features alone are almost worth the money.

It might seem trendy but trust me, this is one trend you want to be a part of.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Questionable Content...

So as of late I have realized that the content featured on my site is at times not what I want it to be. Don't get me wrong I will still do stuff like update you on things going on in my life and share quirky things that I find on the net with you, its just that I think that I can do better blogging. I can raise questions and do it in a way as to not offend people as I did two posts ago. I've been thinking about writing a lot lately and I want to bring well structured content to my site. Saying all that, stay tuned to see if I actually do this...

On the weekend I finally had the chance to play some softball!! I had been waiting for this all summer long and man did it ever feel good to play. We, the Bethany Blazers, played in a tournament at ABU and we didn't do half bad. Ok well we really did do half bad winning only half of our games, but in perspective it wasn't bad for a bunch of guys who hadn't practiced or played all summer. As some of you know I pitch when I play most of the time and this weekend was no exception...until I took a line-drive off the left side of my head. Yeah it hit me so hard that it popped up to the second baseman. The swelling is down and the doctor said that I should be able to have kids any case here are some pics from the weekend.

Please note: I in no way have any control over the pansy name of our team or how tight my pants are.

Watch Out David Hasselhoff!!!

Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

by Mark Townsend Houston
Sunday September 25, 2005
The Observer

It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.

Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.

Dolphins have been trained in attack-and-kill missions since the Cold War. The US Atlantic bottlenose dolphins have apparently been taught to shoot terrorists attacking military vessels. Their coastal compound was breached during the storm, sweeping them out to sea. But those who have studied the controversial use of dolphins in the US defence programme claim it is vital they are caught quickly.

Leo Sheridan, 72, a respected accident investigator who has worked for government and industry, said he had received intelligence from sources close to the US government's marine fisheries service confirming dolphins had escaped.

'My concern is that they have learnt to shoot at divers in wetsuits who have simulated terrorists in exercises. If divers or windsurfers are mistaken for a spy or suicide bomber and if equipped with special harnesses carrying toxic darts, they could fire,' he said. 'The darts are designed to put the target to sleep so they can be interrogated later, but what happens if the victim is not found for hours?'

Usually dolphins were controlled via signals transmitted through a neck harness. 'The question is, were these dolphins made secure before Katrina struck?' said Sheridan.

The mystery surfaced when a separate group of dolphins was washed from a commercial oceanarium on the Mississippi coast during Katrina. Eight were found with the navy's help, but the dolphins were not returned until US navy scientists had examined them.

Sheridan is convinced the scientists were keen to ensure the dolphins were not the navy's, understood to be kept in training ponds in a sound in Louisiana, close to Lake Pontchartrain, whose waters devastated New Orleans.

The navy launched the classified Cetacean Intelligence Mission in San Diego in 1989, where dolphins, fitted with harnesses and small electrodes planted under their skin, were taught to patrol and protect Trident submarines in harbour and stationary warships at sea.

Criticism from animal rights groups ensured the use of dolphins became more secretive. But the project gained impetus after the Yemen terror attack on the USS Cole in 2000. Dolphins have also been used to detect mines near an Iraqi port.

Friday, September 23, 2005

It's not their fault...

Ok does anyone else find it ridiculous that gas prices are going up because of hurricanes? I mean have we never had natural disasters before? I could be wrong but I think we have a hurricane season every year where hurricanes ravage and destroy things, and I absolutely do not want to be taken as being inconsiderate to the people who are suffering through these situations at all. But do you get my point? I really don't think the gas companies have anything to do with the rise in gas prices.

Obviously it's not the hurricane that is making gas so expensive. I mean if we were to be totally honest, the amount of gas that we actually need and use we have; even without Texas and New Orleans, I didn't know New Orleans produced so much oil...oh wait I don't think it does. What's really eating up the gas? How about that war in Iraq...I bet those Hummers and tanks that they drive around over there must get at least 8 miles to the gallon. And according to the EIA, the Energy Information Administration of America, as of January 2005, the United States had in reserve over 21.9 Billion barrels of oil. And one must ask one's self when would be a better time to maybe dig some of those out to help people...oh wait this seems like a good time. So instead of hoarding and not sharing, maybe the government of the USA should share and stop consuming so much.

So as you sit home and complain about the gas prices and ponder how you are going to afford to get to work to make money to pay for the gas that is going to get you there, remember: It's not the weather that affects the prices of gas but it is the consumption of it. And since consumption has risen significantly because of the war and not because of your car driving, don't blame the producer but the consumer...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sad Day in Sub World...

Well I had heard it to be rumored but did not want to believe it myself. Now after reading this article in Wired News, I have no other reason to accept this rumor as truth. Subway has officially discontinued their Sub Stamps reward program. I don't know about you but that's a pretty big deal.

As someone who loves to eat at Subway, both when I have the time and money, the Subcard was such a great thing. I mean on those nights at school when I'm hungry but don't have cash, I would pull out that coveted Subcard covered in stamps and redeem it with a victorious smile knowing that my stomach would be pleased as well.

The article goes on to explain the reason for the discontinuation was that people were actually counterfeiting stamps and selling them on eBay and such. Thanks to the morons of the world for ruining another good thing for the hard working people of North America who just want a free sub! Subway reps say they might implement another rewards system sometime in the's hoping.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Kind of Scary...

I have this section on my custom Google homepage that shows a bunch of "How To" tips for the day. Today's tip kind of got me wondering what it is you can find on the net. Check this out:

How to Walk Silently

Walking silently is an art that most people have not successfully developed to any degree. With practice, one can improve and master the art of stealth.


  1. Get soft foot wear. The harder your footwear, the louder the noise. The best type of footwear is socks or leather moccasins. When at all possible, avoid bare feet (feet generally sweat and on flat surfaces, this creates lots of noise) and hard-soled boots (because of their bulk and material, boots are more difficult to walk quietly in).
  2. Wear sparse, tight clothing. When walking, one's legs and clothes rub together creating noise. Minimizing your gear will prevent this.
  3. Take slow and measured breaths from the mouth. Air traveling through a small passageway creates more noise than a large passageway. If more air is needed, open your mouth to its full extent. It may look foolish, but it creates less noise.
  4. Watch the next place you will take a step. Be mindful of objects you are stepping on.
    • Outside, try to walk on bare dirt or live grass. Dead foliage creates a perceptible "crunch" even when lightly stepped on. If you encounter an area where forced to walk through foliage, then pick the clearest path and proceed slowly, possibly bending over and removing obstructions from the location of the next step.
    • Inside, stick to carpet or other flooring with padding underneath.
  5. If following someone, match the cadence of their steps (i.e. when they step with their left foot, you use your left foot). This will help mask any noise your feet may make.
  6. Place the heel or toes of your foot down first and roll your foot slowly and gently onto the ground. If moving swiftly, run/leap from location to location. Avoid landing flatfooted.
  7. Be sure your footwear fits properly, if your foot slides at all in your footwear it can produce a squeaking noise, especially if your feet are sweaty.
  8. For getting really close to a target, walk on the outer edge of your feet, rolling your foot from heel to pinky toe. Though very silent, this technique is also uncomfortable and should only be used for short distances.


  • Frequently test your skills. Try sneaking up on a friend and ask them if they heard you.
  • Practice always. It is possible to practice even as you go about your daily life.
  • When climbing items such as trees and cliffs, be mindful of where your foot lands. Try to place the toes and front padding of the foot in between branches and on crevices of the cliff. If you are forced to step in the middle of a branch or push up the side of the cliff, do it slowly and proceed with caution. A little force may dislodge a shower of debris or break a twig alerting watchers.
  • Practice walking on rice paper. When you leave no tracks, you will make no sound.


  • With knowledge of stealth, one is tempted to test their skills. Do not use these skills to do anything illegal or harmful.
  • With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.
  • If you sneak up on a person or an animal, they might get scared and instinctively hurt you, before realizing that you mean no harm.
  • The thinner and harder the surface you walk on, the more danger of noise.
  • Avoid shifting your weight until your forward foot is quietly and firmly on the ground. This will require a considerable degree of balance and practice.

Ok so maybe it's not the fact that they are teaching you how to walk quietly, but the fact that they seem to make it a part of the "How to be a good spy" category. I mean does it scare you at all to know that people can train to be a spy on the internet? Or worse yet that the FBI and CIA are training their people based on some stuff from a computer geek, that they found on the net? National security...what a joke!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Incase you didn't know...

Since it seems like lists are the things of champions, even Mr. Macmillan I thought I would share some of my top things with you in the episode of Think-Pad.

Favorite Current CD: From Under Cork Tree - Fallout Boy
Holy crap, if you have this CD in your collection then you are probably like Brewer and I and can't get enough of it!! It is so unbelievably catchy and the lyrics are so well written. If you don't own, haven't downloaded or borrowed this album yet, do so. It's definitely making a bid for my album of the year.

Favorite Live Album: Any Given Thursday - John Mayer
I listen to this album or a portion of it twice a week. What's even more incredible is that the live DVD of this concert is even better. If you ever watch it check out the facial expressions by John, you can tell he's definitely feeling every note that he plays.

Favorite Mellow Album: Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
Ever since I first heard her sing on a trip to Graham Perry's wedding with the Brewers, I had to but the CD...and I did on the same trip. I haven't been able to stop listening to it since, putting it in when I go to sleep or even night time driving. This could prove to be dangerous however...if you're tired.

Favorite New Hobby: Fish
Brewer you will be glad to know that I have entered into the world that is fish. I bought a 10 gallon tank yesterday and have 10 Neon Tetra, an algae eater and a puffer. Definitely more fish to come too. It's fun and soothing watching them swim around while I sit here at my desk...oh how I wish my memory span was only 3 seconds. (If you have any suggestions for fish to get please share.)

Least Favorite Thing to Do: Format my CPU Twice in Three Days
Thanks Microsoft.

Favorite New Toy (On it's way): Apple's Nano iPod
Need I say more? The only question is should I get it in Black or White?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Asta La Vista Bill

What a wonderful day it is when you wake up to having to reformat your computer! Freakin' eh! Well that is exactly what happened to me this morning and to be honest I have no idea why. I was using my computer as normal last night and shut it done when I went to bed. When I awoke and booted up it said there was a missing system file...dang thing wouldn't let me to a system restore or anything.

This brings me to the hopes and dreams that may be found in Microsoft's new OS, Vista. Kind of a gay name if you ask me, I mean Apple has Tiger, now that's a tough name! Apparently this is going to be Bill's redeeming creation...that is if it comes out in time before they're sunk. Not scheduled to come out until Fall 2006, Vista is supposed to be cleaner, smoother and quicker then it's big brother XP.

As much as I would like to put my faith in Vista and all it's promises....I have to say that after this very frustrating morning, I can no longer give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt. It is definitely second rate when it come to a Mac. Bill, you have gobbled as much money from me as I will allow, my next computer will be a Mac and I hope that Apple and Google take you down much sooner then anticipated.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Standard Issue

So it’s been a few days…so much for that rant I gave earlier about posting frequently to keep my readers checking back often huh?

Well today was, to say the least, a busy day. Today was the momentous ground-breaking for the new chapel here at Bethany Bible College. And you’ll never guess who was here for it! Ok maybe you will, and for all you Wesleyans you’ll be excited to know that John Maxwell was here. Yeah I have to say that I was kind of skeptical of him at first because people seem to treat him like he’s part of the Trinity or something in the Wesleyan church. But I was really impressed by his speaking abilities and his message too. It was a pretty long day for me too considering I was doing food services for good ol’ Aramark from 6am to 10pm. But enough about my boring life and onto a topic that can be discussed.

Compassion and understanding. Two characteristics that some would attribute to all Christians because we are supposed to have both. So why is it that it seems to be that quite often that this compassion only comes when we’re talking about non-Christians? We often hold our brothers and sisters in Christ to a higher standard and aren’t really willing to have the same level of compassion and understanding when one of our brothers or sisters fall. Why is that? Is that right? It’s often argued that we can hold each other to a higher standard because of the fact that we are supposed to know better. But just because we know better doesn’t mean that we don’t struggle with temptation any less then non-Christians. Thoughts?

Friday, September 09, 2005

Popularity...of the Virtual Kind

So as of late I have noticed a particular trend…the more often I blog, the more often people will visit my site. I guess in it’s entirety it is not a new concept, I mean if you can post regularly about things that have some kind of relevance to people or are even remotely interesting, people will check. If people know that you usually only post once a week, then they will only check for updates once a week if that, but if they know that you post often and on no certain schedule then they will check back more often. That’s my internet advice for ya’ll today.

Oh and incase you don’t stay up-to-date on the technology front let me fill you in on another addition to Apple’s line up of iPods.

It’s the new iPod Nano. Check out Apple’s website for all the specs but in a nutshell it looks pretty dang sweet. Now as much as iPods are sweet and all and I want one, don’t get me wrong, sometimes I wonder whether or not to get one. I mean the whole thing is just becoming way too trendy isn’t it? Couldn’t they have stopped at two iPods? Like the regular and then the mini? Now we got the iShuffle and the U2 edition…Apple stop while you’re ahead!! (But I still love you and want a Powerbook…see my profile for mailing address!)

Check the Bottom of the Package...

Ok so this is short and maybe irrelevant to most of you…unless you went to Bethany. Check out my banner at the bottom of my page and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Here Comes the Anti-Christ...

Well not quite, but close?

Anyway, in today’s news…Google is taking you over. Say goodbye to Microsoft and whatever his name is…Bill…ah it’s not important. The important thing is that you not get left behind in thinking that Microsoft will recover from the death blow that is Google and all of its very own personalized services.

Google is so much of a threat to Microsoft and its monopoly on the computer industry that Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, had some pretty harsh words for Google; click here for the story, and its chief executive Eric Schmidt. In fact he gets pretty fired up using language that I wouldn’t even want my parents hearing.

But incase you are totally oblivious to exactly how big Google has gotten over the past few years, let me enlighten you. Google has a market value of $80 Billion…not bad for a company that only celebrated its 10th birthday last year. But let’s break it down in ways that you can see. Google now offers e-mail in their amazing G-Mail service which gives you over 2.5 Gigs of space, this makes Hotmail’s 250mb look puny, and G-Mail’s space continually grows too by the way. Google is also beta testing G-Talk which will rival if not take over MSN for the top Instant Messaging service on the web. Along with Google desktop which delivers many great things such as e-mail and news to a side-bar on your desktop and the fact that they hopped on the blogging band-wagon and bought this site,, are only a few of the things that Google has going for them.

Google is years ahead of Microsoft in offering personalized services because they have been building a database pretty much since they’ve started. That’s right, they have been keeping track of you and me and the places we go on the net, the things that we read…even the weather in our hometowns and have stored it away…somewhere so they can give us personalized info based on our past trends.

Microsoft should be scared and so should you.

To see the depth of Google and where it could end up, watch this video.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Status Means Nothing Anymore

It’s so true. Young people don’t respect people that are older then them anymore, everyone is just as good as everybody else in today’s world. However perhaps on of the most blatant disregards for status can be found in our everyday lives, many of you whom are culprits of this diabolical and undermining scheme…the instant messenger status.

Now don’t get me wrong I love IM and how it can be used to talk to people far away and send files and all that jazz but here’s the problem. When you go on MSN now-a-days everybody is away, or so they set their status as that. Rarely is someone busy when their status says so, and how often do people put up the “Out to Lunch” status when they actually are out? I propose that we all start putting our status as dictated by what we are actually doing. If you’re at your computer and don’t want to talk because you’re busy, then put you’re busy. In fact if you don’t want to talk at all do us all a favor and appear offline, which will save all of us time and energy.

For today’s summer story I’ll take you to a magical place called Mount Saint Helens, which is if I am correct the only active volcano on the continent of North America…there might be one or two others but I’ll have to do my homework later. Anyway we drove up into Washington State during our week off in Oregon; the west coast has everything, and saw some pretty cool stuff. It was a cloudy day so we could only see the mountain partially but it was still pretty cool, plus we met some super cool & friendly chipmunks!

Mt. Saint Helens Pics

Sunday, September 04, 2005


So what do you think? I know that the changes are minimal for right now but hopefully there were be more in the near future as I expand my HTML understanding. Give me some feedback.

The Redwood forest, man those trees are big! I believe that beyond and shadow of a doubt Redwood National Park could be the top National Park in North America. Ranging from ocean front to thick, luscious forest the scenery is simply unbelievable! It’s worth going out West just by itself. The pictures below are of me and my team in the park with the world’s largest tree (don’t mind the crotch shot), also we got to “drive” through a tree too. The Redwood National Park is on the famous highway 101 in California…most beautiful drive ever!

Classes start on Wednesday so hopefully that won’t affect my posting frequency too much. That is, as long as I can find quality things to blog about too…why is that so hard?

Redwood Pics

Friday, September 02, 2005

And so it begins...

...another year at Bethany Bible College. I just finished my seminar that I was taking on Teens in Crisis. Good class but glad it's over. All the freshmeat...I mean freshmen have arrived and are flooding the campus with joy and excitement once again, can't wait until that's over! Ok so I am joking, they atmosphere they bring to the school is great I think maybe I am just tired from the summer and don't really have the energy to put forth in getting to know more new people.

Ok the belly flop story for those of you who are interested. There really isn't that much to tell. So it was one my weeks off in the summer and we had the opportunity to go to a cottage in Eastern Ontario owned by "Darren Jonathan 'Dijon' Croswell" and he was nice enough to let my team stay there the whole week. Kirk and Bubbles and some other people were there two and since the cottage is on a lake they did a cannon ball run off of the diving boards. I opted to be the last one to go and instead of the cannonball I went with the ol' belly flop not realizing I was about 12 feet in the air at lift off. So needless to say I thought I broke a rib.

And now for the sign of the day which I found this summer in downtown San Francisco...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Yellowstone National Park...

…perhaps the biggest waste of space ever. Ok probably not but it’s gotta be in the top ten. First off starting the Yellowstone experience with a charge of fifty American dollars was not the best choice ever. Next we were faced with an hour and a half drive to get to the main attraction, Old Faithful. I was kind of excited I mean you hear about a geyser you picture being thrown into the air hundreds of feet right? Well maybe they should emphasize the ‘Old” part of the name a bit more cause I think it’s starting to get impotent…30 feet maybe. Gosh I felt like I paid to see a few buffalo, elk and water shoot up from the ground. Oh wait I did, frig I am almost sure if I laid down and peed in the air it would have been just as cool. (See pics below.)

Yellowstone Pics