Monday, September 26, 2005

Questionable Content...

So as of late I have realized that the content featured on my site is at times not what I want it to be. Don't get me wrong I will still do stuff like update you on things going on in my life and share quirky things that I find on the net with you, its just that I think that I can do better blogging. I can raise questions and do it in a way as to not offend people as I did two posts ago. I've been thinking about writing a lot lately and I want to bring well structured content to my site. Saying all that, stay tuned to see if I actually do this...

On the weekend I finally had the chance to play some softball!! I had been waiting for this all summer long and man did it ever feel good to play. We, the Bethany Blazers, played in a tournament at ABU and we didn't do half bad. Ok well we really did do half bad winning only half of our games, but in perspective it wasn't bad for a bunch of guys who hadn't practiced or played all summer. As some of you know I pitch when I play most of the time and this weekend was no exception...until I took a line-drive off the left side of my head. Yeah it hit me so hard that it popped up to the second baseman. The swelling is down and the doctor said that I should be able to have kids any case here are some pics from the weekend.

Please note: I in no way have any control over the pansy name of our team or how tight my pants are.

1 comment:

t4stywh34t said...

who's complaining about how tight your pants are? ;-)

just kidding.


I love the word verification thing that Blogger can do now. So, as a service to all Bloggers and wordsmiths, I've decided to post the fantastic word and its definition that I'm forced to type. Today's word: nzwuhhgw. I'm guessing that's the sound you made when the ball hit your head.