Friday, September 02, 2005

And so it begins...

...another year at Bethany Bible College. I just finished my seminar that I was taking on Teens in Crisis. Good class but glad it's over. All the freshmeat...I mean freshmen have arrived and are flooding the campus with joy and excitement once again, can't wait until that's over! Ok so I am joking, they atmosphere they bring to the school is great I think maybe I am just tired from the summer and don't really have the energy to put forth in getting to know more new people.

Ok the belly flop story for those of you who are interested. There really isn't that much to tell. So it was one my weeks off in the summer and we had the opportunity to go to a cottage in Eastern Ontario owned by "Darren Jonathan 'Dijon' Croswell" and he was nice enough to let my team stay there the whole week. Kirk and Bubbles and some other people were there two and since the cottage is on a lake they did a cannon ball run off of the diving boards. I opted to be the last one to go and instead of the cannonball I went with the ol' belly flop not realizing I was about 12 feet in the air at lift off. So needless to say I thought I broke a rib.

And now for the sign of the day which I found this summer in downtown San Francisco...

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