Friday, August 04, 2006

Parking Lot for Church Use Only

Today I walked home from work as I have been for the last week or so. I took the same route as always, nothing new and nothing exciting. But you know how when you watch a TV show like three times you notice different things that you didn't before? Well That happened to me as I walked home today.

See everyday I walk past this church on my way home, and everyday I don't think anything about it. But today I noticed a sign, probably about 3/4 of the size of the sign that has the churches name and denomination on it, and it read in big, red letters "PARKING LOT FOR CHURCH USE ONLY".

At first I thought nothing of it, but as I continued my walk I remembered something that is often said in Christian circles. "For God to use you, you have to make yourself available." Now I don't think that anyone will disagree with that. So my question is, how are we supposed to have an impact on the world when we are closing ourselves off?

The church is slowly becoming a closed gate community. We lock our doors all the time now. We look at people strangely when they sit in our pew. We're even closed to the idea of spending time in the church. (This coming from the statistic of only 10-15% of the congregation do the work in the church.) Don't you think it's time we started to change this?

And you know what the funny thing is, the church with the sign up in the parking lot? It only has one car in it everytime I pass by. That parking lot would be serving a greater purpose if it was filled with non-Chirstian's cars everyday and the pastor had to park down the road then it is now. I mean at least the people would know where the church is, and that is by no means a bad thing.


Robin said...

Good stuff, Pedro.

Erskine said...

Let's be clear. The church as an organized institution interested mostly in preserving itself and its traditions (much like the Republican party in the US) is closing itself off. The Church as the group of people whose lives are found only in Christ under the power and freedom of the Holy Spirit are actually opening up lately. The Lord is really stirring up His people! Because you and I are alike, I have a similar reaction to the sign. It seems to me, though, that we're gradually seeing a separation between the sheep and the goats. This church in Fredericton seems more concerned with preserving its beauty and property than opening its doors. One church I visited outside Charlotte, NC, actually has a well-established ministry for cruisers in their town. Not only do they keep their parking lot open for cruisers; the church stays open for basketball and other community use. Interestingly, people are flocking to the Lord under the ministry of those who are progressing rather than preserving.

His Beloved said...

I conquer with these thoughts, however, isn't it sad at the same time how "society" seems to be presenting more and more reasons for things such as this. I've heard of several churches that have been broken in to in the past few months, one church in particular that has been broken in to 3 or 4 times in the past 6 months having offertory money stolen for drugs. I also find it so sad how so many people have such a lack of respect for property today. And that doesn't necessarily have to apply strictly to churches. The vandalized art sculptures at the Barracks in Fredericton would be another example.

His Beloved said...

and by "conquer" i mean "concur" haha

Paul said...

haha..."conquer". That made me giggle.

Seriously though...great comment Erskine. There is a real underground movement happening within churches all over the world of true followers of Christ...experiencing the freedom of Christ in this new reality we find ourselves in. Hopefully we can find a balance so as to not go to unhealthy extremes, but rather to truly reflect the beings we were created to be.

As for the break is a huge shame Amy, but at the same time it's all been predicted. The world WILL get worse...of that we can be sure. In many ways that is scary, but in some ways it also makes our role easier to fulfill. We are called to be counter cultural in many ways...and as the world slips further and further into a rut, it becomes easier and easier to be a counter cultural light. We just need to be the right light. Not a light of condemnation, but one of hope and grace.

Scottie said...

cool story...

i was leading worship at a contemporary service here on GM and a lady came in and handed me a ghetto blaster... she asked if it was the churches and as i checked it out i figured that it was the one that had been stolen a few weeks back...

well she bought it for her daughter and then heard some grumblings through the GM rumour mill that it had been stolen from the church and sold to buy drugs with... so she brought it back and she also said that while the theif had the radio there was a worship CD left in it... while the theif listened to the CD he/she remained clean and cried every time they listened to it... tell me that does not speak of the power of God... not sure who or where that person is now, but the lady who returned it to me has since given her heart to the Lord and is at a harvest house getting cleaned up and serving God big...

Anonymous said...

i know the church of which you speak, and a family at our church attended it once for the heck of it. their daughter, who is in youth group, told me about it and said she was scared to the death of the scary man on stage and they never returned.
fun story!

Scottie said...

always with the oneupmanship brewer... i am so belittled... ~sigh~