Sunday, February 26, 2006

This One's For My Pops!

So I just got back from spending the afternoon and evening at home and a good time was had by all. My dad took me, my brother and Allison out to eat and he coined the phrase, "put that on your blog and smoke it!" So I did.

While at Swiss Chalet the waitress, as we were leaving, said "Have a nice day." Now was she wishing us a nice day, or telling us to have a nice day? It seemed more demanding, like she was going to check up on us later to make sure that we followed through with the 'nice' day thing.

My question for the day, "Do you think the SPAM e-mail get upset when they receive any?"


highboy said...

I spent the weekend listening to my wife bawl that she can't see her ankles anymore. I also had to make 3 trips so far to Ultramar to get her ice cream. I can't buy ahead because if I get the wrong one she'll bawl some more. The sooner she pops, the better. At least when the baby cries I can stick a bottle in his mouth.

theajthomas said...

You can totally stick a bottle in your wifes mouth but I would recommend you be out of the range of those feet she can't see anymore.

Sween said...

Uhhh... DID you have a nice day? I'M checking!