Monday, August 14, 2006

Coming to you live...

From my MacBook!!! But more on that later.

Here's another story from my journey home from work. On another street that I have to walk when I am heading home, has one of the most mind-boggling things I have seen. It is in a front yard of a house off of Maple Street (for those of you that live here). It is a 12 foot by 12 foot square, with three foot tall posts in the corner. Now around these posts are wrapped three rows of bunggie cords.

Now my first reaction to this sight is that it is something like a dog pen or something like that. But upon further thought, and a few more trips past, it struck me. Child Wrestling. It is quite literally a mini wrestling ring for kids. Infact I am pretty sure that every Friday night the parents in that house pit their own children against each other for entertainment. Or maybe the neighborhood parents bring their kids to fight each other, and whoever loses their parents have to do the carpool for that week. Yeah I like that one better. I'll post a picture tomorrow.

Ok so now for the big news. I finally got my Mac!! And it is amazing. What else can you say about them? Other then you wish you had one too? Yeah that's what I thought. Ok gotta jet, check out the new Random Link while you're here!!


Robin said...

Welcome to the cult... er, I mean Family. Mac FAMILY. Not cult.

Robin said...

Dude - Just checked out the photos. I love the one with Hoop and the sign. I may steal that for the back of the SkitZo MaN book, k?