Saturday, January 22, 2005

What Happened To Our World?

So last night I was traveling to Moncton to pick up my lovely girl-friend Kate at the airport. For those of you who don't live on the east coast, there was a huge snow storm which pretty much shut some stuff down, including canceling her original flight earlier that day. However she was able to make a plane that was coming in later that day around midnight. A friend of ours here at school (Kutz) was nice enough to let us use her car to go to the airport to pick up Kate. So both Diana and I left the school around 10:30pm, giving ourselves time because of the road conditions and such.

As we were traveling I made reference to transport trucks and how the rules of the weather seem not to apply to them or something. I mean rarely do you ever see a transport slow down for anything, except when it hits a moose or a rest-stop. And that night was none different. Transports flying by us left and right. Then there was one who passed us, blew up so much snow that we lost the road and as a consequence we ended up in the ditch. Luckily someone was nice enough (a transport driver, not the one that caused the accident though) to stop and see if we were ok. He then called a tow truck for us, which I thought very nice of him. This is where my question comes into play...

See being college students, or regular people for that matter, when it came time to pay we failed to have the $75 cash that the man wanted. Now I don't know how these things usually work but I would think that a billing system would work much better. We told him that if he would give us an address or something that we would get the money to him. But he wouldn't bite. He needed his money then and only then. I mentioned the fact that we were Bible College students and that we were good for it. Still no bite. Finally we convinced him that we would pay (and we did), leaving him the money latter that night at a truck stop he mentioned.

My point is this (copying Meeks here). This man, who which was very nice, could not take our word that we would pay him. The world has gotten so bad that people are beginning to expect people to lie to them. Or maybe what's worse yet, the fact that we were Bible College students didn't change anything. Not that it should give us special privileges, but I think there was a point in time in society that the clergy were respected and dare I say even trusted. But this is not so anymore...kind of sad really. What has happened to our world?

PS - Well at least in our world we can still have ladies that grow old and have lots here. Why don't they keep something more interesting then cats? Maybe some kind of bigger cat? A puma maybe?


Anonymous said...

I agree with Jon...we need to take care of the bigger cats too...I myself have a puma...and I love my puma. I will take care of my puma till the day I die...because I, my friends will be one of those old woman with a million cats. Could I be the next top story on CNN?


t4stywh34t said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing that story. It really is amazing how far people have come (or, I guess, how deep they've sunken) when it comes to trust. I remember the days of what I like to call the "don'tworryaboutit". This compound word that I've invented used to be used by people such as your tow-truck man, but since has fallen out of use. Luckily here in western New York you can still hear that word every so often...when you're in a country convenience store and you're a dollar short to purchase your steak and cheese sub and Coke, every once in a while you'll get a nice "don'tworryaboutit" from the cashier.

I think it's called "grace"....but I haven't seen many people exercise it in a long time.

So make that a priority now (the pastor within me is making this a teachable and applicable moment). Show people grace as our Lord has shown us grace. It's radical, unexpected, and not found in the "wisdom" of this world (1 Cor.)...but it should be instilled in us when we recognize the saving act of our Lord.


Dave said...

Jonny you're a gentleman i'm new to this blog shit so i appreciate the compliment i'll get a look at your page tomorrow off to bed

Cheers man


jb.melan said...

Billings, sweet site, hope all is well at BBC! Give a huge hello to everyone from F'ton- smack wilson and sherwood upside the head for me! Keep Hidden!

Lisa said...

Yeah, the world is pretty far gone now...It worries me, and makes me sad sometimes...Clergy and the church have very little respect right now...God commands perhaps even less respect from the world, with his name being used daily in much less than respectful and reverent terms, just to begin... When I think about it, and when I read your blog post, it got me thinking about how amazing and wonderful it is that no matter how little belief and respect the world has for Him, it has no effect on how He loves the world. It's simply Amazing!

Jason said...

I had a puma once. Little known fact. We forgot to feed him once, and ate a cousin of mine.
There's a lesson to be learned. A hamster may get out of his cage and at times nibble at your finger, but never shall he consume you in whole (unless he's some weird cartoony hamster and you've given him some strange growth portion and he's really hungry.)
point made