Thursday, January 13, 2005

It's Been Awhile...

Well I am finally back. Here at school for another semester of fun, fun, fun. Kinda glad to be back because I was getting really bored at home. However while at home I got to do a bit of my topic today, photography.

I love photography. Now I am no pro at it by any means however I do dabble. And I was thinking today..."What is the meaning of pictures?" I mean some people go crazy with them, and this is even easier to do with digital cameras now. You can take pictures of anything, people make a living from talking pictures and some defile people with them. But why put such an emphasis on them?

I believe that it is our way of trying to stop time, our attempt at reaching out and trying to grab a moment to hold on to. These moments mean something to us. They are different for everyone too, birthdays, graduations, friends or even just nature. I myself, as much as I love people am into nature. Mostly the sky and clouds. There is just something that is so amazing when you actually take time to look up to the heavens.

Each of these pictures means something to me. And I don't know why, they are just pictures of things that have come and gone. Is there any use in putting so much time and effort into things of the past? Are we not supposed to look forward? I do think there is some validity in that point however the past is what has shaped us and it is important to remember our roots, where we came from and what made us who we are today.

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