Sunday, January 16, 2005

How Could He Not Know???

Ok, I have heard some weird things over the span of my 22 year earth career, but I think this one may take the cake. A guy in Colorado who worked on a construction site went to the dentist because he had a toothache, no big deal. Until the x-rays came back with the reason.

Yeah a nail in his freakin' skull. The guy, like I said is a construction worker and was using a nail gun one day when it back-fired. He saw a nail fly back and into a piece of wood, but failed to notice one enter his mouth, shoot through his head, narrowly missing an eye. Oh and by the way...he had it in there for 6 DAYS!!! Correct me if you think I am wrong here but I don't think that would be a hard thing to miss. But apparently he had no idea, and when the dentist came back with the x-rays and told him he thought they were joking. Yeah I guess I wouldn't have believed them either...if I was so head numb not to notice a nail enter my skull! Click the title for the full CNN story.

1 comment:

NWJR said...

He's going to be on the TODAY show tomorrow. TiVo it if you have to.

I saw a brief interview with him in the hospital. One of the doctors said it was the second case they've seen where this happened to someone and the person didn't even know.
