Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Striving for Mediocrity...

...and doing an exceptional job at it, or so it seems.

Sitting in a church service at an undisclosed location on Sunday this thought struck me, "Is the church's plan to reach people by striving for mediocrity?" There were many things that brought this thought to my attention. First was the powerpoint presentation. Do you know how difficult it is to follow along to a song when the slide doesn't change for a whole verse? Even more so for those new to the church who may not know the faithful hymn that should be being displayed. Another powerpoint difficulty that I have seen at many churches are misspelled words in songs, ones that are very obvious.

Lack of practice by the worship band is another one that can be seen sometimes. Would it be too much to ask someone to put some more thought into what songs are played, the order and whether or not the band knows them? Maybe I am picky but I think to most people things like these look sloppy.

So why is the church this way? (Speaking in generalities here, I know that your church may not be like this...) Should we not care about what we do enough to want to do it well? Do we use the phrase, "we'll let the Spirit do a work" way too often? I think so.

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