Sunday, April 03, 2005

It's Been Awhile Since...

Ok so maybe there aren't that may of you that are into Stained. So yes it has been a few long agonizing days I am sure, since I have last updated. So what to write about you ask? Well I could write about the Pope dying but everyone and his dog will be blogging about that for the next few days. I've already ranted about the NHL and MLB so that's a no go too. Oh maybe I will fill you in on some news that comes into effect today.

Last Tuesday we here at Bethany Bible College had a classic chapel service. Now it was just going to be another regular service until, believe it or not, Kirk Sabine gets up on stage. Now he said he had an important annoucment that he had to make.

What could be so important that he had to do it at the end of a chapel service? Did Prez get into a car accident? No. They're lowering tuition? No. It was something bigger. Something so huge no one saw it coming.

They ditched the suit on Sunday rule! I mean this is crazy!! Never in my, nor any other past or present attendee of Bethany ever think that would happen!! Craziness! I think the world may have reversed just for a second.

Now really this is something pretty big. It means that the school is moving forward. It means the church is moving forward. But is it too little too late? Should the church (and our school) adopt changes that help us adapt to society or ones that make us stick out like a sore thumb? Are we behind the times? And if so, why isn't anything being done about it?


Sarah Beth said...

Hey John,

Acctually, Stained is always what I think about when I hear the phrase "It's been awile". I'm serious. I love that song.

b.rando said...


since i graduated three years ago and started working in a church, i have worn a suit perhaps four or five times. once at my wedding. once at easter a couple years ago. maybe once at a funeral. and i might have donned the collar for a couple sundays just for the heck of it - gotta keep people guessing.

ahhh, the good ol suit wearing days at BBC. sad to see them, yeah. bye.