Wednesday, April 20, 2005

What Would the Colonel Do?

So I went out to eat tonight and let me tell you I am never going to this place again. Now I usually love KFC, especially the Big Crunch Combo however tonight I was not all that hungry due to the fact that the school had steaks for once and I had one of those.

Moving on, so I still was kinda hungry so I got their new deal thing..."The Snacker" for about 5 bucks. Now the pictures that I am about to show you are not altered in any way nor do they mis-represent what I was given for a meal.

So what do you think? Jipped or what? It was smaller then a credit card. Now I understand that it was called the snacker and everything but for the price that I paid for this I could have gotten a full size meal at McDonald's. I don't think that the Colonel would appreciate where his dream is going, he must be rolling over in his grave right now.

R.I.P. Mr Sanders.


Hooper said...

A travesty, to be sure.

I remember KFC used to have sandwiches like this, though I think slightly bigger, for 99 cents each. THAT was a bargain, and getting 3 for 3 bucks was just sweet. I totally forget what they were called, but the point is that they were tasty, quick, and cheap, which is of course a trifecta in the fast food world.

Also, you should frequent my blog because it will change your life:

Dissatisfaction and the Angry Mule

SNACKWICH! I think that was it.

Sarah Beth said...

I agree! I tried the snack combo as well a while back, and was quite amazed at how small they were. I mean, I knew they'd be small, but this small? Now really! When they said snack, they really weren't kidding!

Angela said...

Jon & Kate- Thanks for the CARD!!! We both sniffed our way through it!
We loved seeing you again this week! Come visit us!
Miss you.