Thursday, February 17, 2005

Very Responsive Reading

Today at chapel we had one of the most different but yet cool services we have ever had since I have been here at school. Today there was no message and most of the music were hymns. We had what is called a Wesleyan Covenant Service and it was amazing.

At the beginning of the service we all received a booklet, and I am not talking about two pages but four or five of them, that was filled with basically the whole order of service. It contained responsive readings as well scripture and towards the end of the service we had Communion. Taken from John Wesley this service seemed to catch some people off-guard and I can imagine that there were some people who didn't like it.

I don't know why people wouldn't have liked it. It had a deeper meaning then most of our services I found. It was simple and maybe it was that simplicity that people didn't like. We are always so busy on our quest for the "new thing" that will help the church grow deeper in their faith, maybe we need to look back instead of forward.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Nice. I vaguely remember doing that in chapel when I was there. I think you're right; we can learn a lot from the past. Like how to order and plan a service that has meat.