Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Times They Are A Changin'...but We Ain't!

I got to go home this past weekend which was a real blessing. I got to see my family which of whom I really missed, I got to eat great food (BBQ) and I got to spend some quality time with my girlfriend Kate, and that is always a good thing.

However something else happened when I went home, I got a haircut. Now I am not just talking a trim here, which is what my full intentions of getting were, but a full fledged cut. No more hair in the eyes, no more wings out the side of my hat and no more almost mullet. This was a big deal for me and I don't know why. I guess maybe I don't like change? But what does that say about my personality and character? How will I be able to cope with huge changes when I let such a little one have an effect on me?

Now I am kind of exaggerating here but I think you get the point. We live in a world that doesn't like change but contrary to that fact is changing constantly. We have become so accustomed to this continuous change that those who hear the Gospel for the first time are taken aback by the fact that it is the same Gospel it was 2000 years ago. How do we effectively show people that it hasn't changed and that it won't be changing anytime soon either?

1 comment:

t4stywh34t said...

welp, I guess I'll just have to keep growing mine long to make up for yours...