Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If You're Going to Pee in the Shower, Then Aim for the Drain

Sorry, this should have been posted yesterday but the new Random Link is up.

My life has been pretty boring as of late, not a whole lot happening. I got to go out with Testify last night as their sound tech. That was kind of fun although they sang and an elderly ladies dessert party. I was only one of two guys there, that equals a lot of estrogen, or used to be estrogen, in one room. Oh and I decided that I don't want to grow up to be an old lady.

One exciting thing that did happen in recent days is the appearance of Rob Meeks back on campus. Man I miss that Jew. It was sweet to see him and to be able to hang out with him. Miss ya Robby.

Other then that it's been pretty slow. I write three mid-terms tomorrow morning so that should be interesting and then March break is coming up soon and I am hopefully going to get to spend some time with Paul and Rob while Massie and Josh are overseas...freaking Massie and Josh. Alright that's it for now until I can come up with something more interesting. Later.

1 comment:

S.I. said...

so, um, March break, when you guys stopping over in Jersey? It can be a missions trip: encourage the Christians in Jersey...and...well, just like Paul the Apostle. And maybe take an eskimo swim while you're at it?