Monday, February 27, 2006

So yeah....

I'm engaged. Lol yeah that's right I am definitely engaged. Friday night I asked the most incredible girl in the world to be my wife. I am super excited and can't wait for May! Yeah that's right May!! If you want all the juicy details visit Diana's blog cause she's really good at telling the story.
I could not be happier!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

This One's For My Pops!

So I just got back from spending the afternoon and evening at home and a good time was had by all. My dad took me, my brother and Allison out to eat and he coined the phrase, "put that on your blog and smoke it!" So I did.

While at Swiss Chalet the waitress, as we were leaving, said "Have a nice day." Now was she wishing us a nice day, or telling us to have a nice day? It seemed more demanding, like she was going to check up on us later to make sure that we followed through with the 'nice' day thing.

My question for the day, "Do you think the SPAM e-mail get upset when they receive any?"

Saturday, February 25, 2006

If You Can Understand Morse Code, Then Tap-Dancing Must Drive You Crazy

The weekend is here and you know what that means...yeah me either. Well actually the Olympics are drawing to a close soon. It's been a pretty good one all around for us Canadians despite the loss in men's hockey. (Although it seemed North America in general sucked this year ;) I am really impressed with how Canada is going to finish up in the medal rankings. We are currently tied for 3rd and only three behind top spot. This is a vast improvement on our results from Salt Lake. Way to go guys/gals!

I took my first engagement pictures as a "photographer" on Thursday this week. I was asked by Marly Allen and Josh Kendricks if I would take some pictures for them The pictures are posted up on my Flickr account and I have to say that they turned out pretty dang good. I think eventually I would like to do some weddings and things like that. (Maybe make some money on the side.)

I have to say that I have absolutely been loving the public forum that has been occurring on my last post, at least it helps me know that people read my blog! Keep it up guys, oh and this is to spur on the Jesus with a gun thing:

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Oh yeah now I have something to post about...

My computer bombed out on me again last week. I am really, really wanting a Mac very badly. Infact I would like one so bad that I am willing to take donations :)

Ok back to the story. My CPU crapped up again, sometimes randomly shutting down by itself and other things of the sort. Well on top of that I contracted a virus, usually not a big deal for me since I am ok with the occasional format. However this virus was different. It effected my entire computer, including the separate drive that I keep all of my back-up information on, aka all of my music. Yes that's right I lost all 25 Gigs of music that I had on my computer. The one bright-side was that I was able to salvage all of my pictures, if I had lost those, Massie would have been taking pictures of me throwing my tower off the balcony outside.

So now the painstaking process of importing all of my CDs back into iTunes and on to my computer has commenced. I am not quite sure how long it will take me to fully recover from this loss, please be praying for me during this time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If You're Going to Pee in the Shower, Then Aim for the Drain

Sorry, this should have been posted yesterday but the new Random Link is up.

My life has been pretty boring as of late, not a whole lot happening. I got to go out with Testify last night as their sound tech. That was kind of fun although they sang and an elderly ladies dessert party. I was only one of two guys there, that equals a lot of estrogen, or used to be estrogen, in one room. Oh and I decided that I don't want to grow up to be an old lady.

One exciting thing that did happen in recent days is the appearance of Rob Meeks back on campus. Man I miss that Jew. It was sweet to see him and to be able to hang out with him. Miss ya Robby.

Other then that it's been pretty slow. I write three mid-terms tomorrow morning so that should be interesting and then March break is coming up soon and I am hopefully going to get to spend some time with Paul and Rob while Massie and Josh are overseas...freaking Massie and Josh. Alright that's it for now until I can come up with something more interesting. Later.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

What's Worse?

I was thinking about this the other day. What is worse for a Christian in regards to his Spiritual walk, thinking to poorly of his spirituality, or too highly? Comments?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine Re-Cap.

So as everyone knows yesterday was Valentine's Day. Massie help put this holiday in perspective for me with a very true statement. People here at school (mainly girls) tend to find their worth in how many Valentines they get in their mail box. Think about that. In other Valentine news Diana is amazing, she cooked me a sweet dinner last night and you can check out pictures on my Flickr page.

Canada beat Italy 7-2 in Men's Olympic Hockey this morning.

If you don't listen to the Beatles you have to start. I "acquired" their entire collection of music a few weeks ago and they have some good stuff. If you can listen to "Hey Jude" and try to tell me that the Beatles were not the first screamo band. They have single handedly influenced all music, and that is how it is.

I've been buying a few things off of eBay lately and I have to say it's fun to shop on-line. The one problem that I have been running into on eBay lately though is the ridiculous shipping prices on things. The item itself is nice and cheap but they jack the shipping, I hate that. That is all.

One of the most...

retarded things I have ever done. Stayed up all night to fix my blog. At least it's all working to class I go!

I'm an Addict...

I have to say that I love improving my site. I definitely think this is the best that it has looked to date. It's not so cluttered and is very modern looking!

Anyway hope you like it and check back tomorrow as I give a recap and my thoughts on Valentine's Day! Until then check out the Random Link of the Week!


I've been up all night trying to get the comments to work but it hasn't happened yet. It will be done soon I promise. Stay with me here people!


Comments are working!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Vice President Shoots Man...

Wow. This just goes to DON'T mess with Cheney...or Texas? Maybe this whole gun control idea ain't so bad after all.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Holy Crap.

This by far one of the most awesome displays of skill that I have ever seen. Trust me it is well worth the 5 minutes. And just watch how close he comes to dying so many times.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

An Opinion Without a Name...

Recently (yesterday) Diana posted the monthly picture of her and I on my blog. Now I understand that some people are kind of like "man another lovey dovey couple" and so forth. That's ok. Other people think that it is cute. Still apparently there are others who think "it sucks".

The reason that I put "it sucks" in quotes is because it was a comment that was posted on the last picture that Diana put up, that has now found its way to my trash bin. Now I know that everybody is entitled to their opinion and all that junk and I am cool with that. I am all about respecting opinions and stuff but usually I only respect opinions that have a name attached to them. Yeah that's right it was an anonymous comment. We'll just leave it at that.

In other news I actually bought the new Gillette Fusion yesterday, it was on sale at Shoppers for the same price as a Mach 3 so I though that I'd get it and give it a test run. I'm going to use it tomorrow, results to follow so stay tuned!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Let The Games Begin...

Ok I am probably not the only blogger who used that phrase as their post title today. As many of you know, or don't know, the Winter Olympic Games started today in Turin Italy. And if you haven't already noticed by the upper right hand corner of my blog I am a little bit excited for the men's hockey to start! So I sat down and watched the opening ceremonies with Diana tonight and there were a few things that stuck out to me:

1) I'm not a big fan of the huge production that they do at the start of the opening ceremony. It is weird most of the time. This year they had fake cows that they pushed around and 50 ladies dressed in white with human size balloons on their heads pretending to be snowflakes...of which they looked nothing like! Maybe it is just me and my inability to understand and appreciate modern art, but for some reason I think there are alot of other people out there who don't get this either.

2) I am glad that Canada starts with the letter 'C'. First off because when the countries come walking in we are near the top of the list and I don't have to wait to change the channel. And the second reason is obvious, if Canada didn't start with the letter 'C' we would be known as Danada or Yanada and to quite honest I think that would be just plain silly.

3) I want one of Team Canada's sweet hats.

4) I'm with Seinfeld on the whole matter of the Biathlon: "You don't see many alpine snipers now-a-days."

The whole concept of the Olympics is great. Countries coming from all over the world and putting their best foot forward for 2 weeks, despite whatever differences that we may have with each other. Now if only some of that could carry over to after the Olympics. Anywho I should go to bed. Don't forget to watch the Olympics and cheer on your country's athletes and be proud of what they accomplish. Have a good weekend.

Picture of the Month

Jon and Diana Picture for January

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Long Division, Emulators and Ninjas

So I loaded up a Super NES emulator that I had on my computer earlier this week and I have to say that I miss some of the games that I played as a kid! I've been spending the majority of time that I play on a little known game called Aerobiz. It involves you running an airline and setting up routes and buying planes. I used to stay up to all hours of the night playing it with Eddie Stairs back in the day, he and Josh Harris are the only other people I know of who have even heard of it. But if you like simulations you definitely need to check it out. (Don't worry I have been playing NHL '94 too!)

I found a pretty sweet band the other day as I was cruising PureVolume. They are called Mute Math and they are definitely worth a look. They have a very unique sound that is very catchy. You need to watch some of the videos that they have up on PureVolume, especially the one for their instrumental song Reset. Their drummer is definitely sweet.

Finally, I became aware of, yet another, must visit site. The site,, has some very funny videos about Ninjas and their way of life. I swear that the Ninja guy is Ben Stiller, at least that's who he reminds me of.

I was thinking today about how easy it can be to become popular on the internet. Things get around so fast now that if you have something that is any good, everyone hears about it. However internet fame is shorter lived then other types of fame...maybe the should change the saying "15 minutes of fame" to something like "50 page views of fame"...or something.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Book #1 Down

That's right. I finished a book in three days, that is a new personal record for me. The book is entitled The Religion War and it is by Scott Adams. This was a sequel to Adams' first book, God's Debris and he is the author of the Dilbert comic strip. The book, unlike the comic strip, held my attention for it's duration. Although it is a fictional book, it deals with some good questions and will definitely make you think about the way that you view the world and even yourself.

My Flickr Pro account is up and running now so you can almost bet that there will be new pictures there everyday. Speaking of pictures I have noticed over my time of getting into photography that people get nervous when you get your camera out. I recall a time when I was in Boston over Christmas break where I was going to take a picture of a cool waterwall inside an office building. No sooner did I have my camera out when a security guard barked at me. Apparently I am working for al Qadea...or maybe people are getting just a little too paranoid. I mean after they told me not to take a picture inside, I went outside on the street and snapped a picture of the building.

I don't know how many fans of Seinfeld there are out there reading this, or any other TV show, but Future Shop is having a sweet sale this week. Buy one box set get the another free! I picked up seasons three and four of Seinfeld to complete my collection up to season 5. You need to check it out.

Building Block Murder Case...

New "Random Link of the Week" is up. Check it out.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Photos, Facial Hair and Page Numbers

I spent almost three hours driving around and taking pictures today. How could I not, it was plus 9 degrees February! I think I snapped over 100 frames in that time and I got some really nice ones too. I'll put one or two up with this post, and once I get my Pro Flickr account I will put most of them up there so keep checking!

Facial Hair
I had the wonderful opportunity to go out with Diana the other night to go see a movie. Yipee for date night! Well we went and saw The Matador, here is some advice...don't go see it nor rent it. It was filled with foul mouthed men watching half dressed women. During the parts where they weren't cursing up and down, I noticed that the two main characters had mustaches...and then I remembered that Nick off of CSI also has a mustache this season. What gives? I mean I can handle the mullet coming back because it is fun to laugh at it, but a mustache...just plain gross.

Page Numbers
While in Moncton yesterday with Diana we made the usual stop at Chapter's/Starbucks. It was there that I decided that I would start reading again on a regular basis. I picked up three books when I was section of course! Anyway my goal it to read one book a month. Shouldn't be too hard but then again I get distracted really easily. I'm going to add a "What I am Reading" section sometime soon so you can check out what I am indulging my mind in.

Ok time for bed. See ya tomorrow.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I Can Come Out of the Closet Now...

...that is according to AJ Thomas anyway. Well it is official, I will now be doing my internship with AJ at Hillside Wesleyan! Not going to lie...I am pretty stoked about the whole thing. One thing is for sure I am going to have one of the best internships around. (That was for AJ because he likes butt-kissers.)

It has been a few days since the last post but I am going to start going for quality not quantity...ok that's a lie I have just been a little bit busy/tired. But now that I have my strength back I can give you the "Hand of the week". This week's round of applause goes to none other then Canada. (Cherish this America cause it doesn't come often that I will make fun of my own country.)

As many of you know we here in the Great White North (GWN) had an election last week. This election was brought on by the absolute corruption of the Liberal party that was under the helm of Paul Martin. Enter the newly elected Progressive Conservative party with their leader Stephen Harper, which in itself is not where the "hand" comes in. I mean they might actually overturn the ruling on Same Sex Marriage. The problem is the fact that this is a minority government, this means that our government does not have the power to pass bills and stuff without the help of their opposition. Oh an to add to insult this isn't the first time either. Way to go us. Alright I think I will get back to my regularly scheduled least Canadians know when the US is having an election...LOL.

Well I think that is all for tonight. Be sure to come back often and check out the Random Link of the Week!!