Sunday, January 29, 2006

Your Ultimate Destiny... to check out this week's Random Link. Trust me I know what's best, I play a doctor on TV.
Diana I missed you!
What a weekend! Ok not really, I didn't do much of anything. Diana was gone this weekend which made everything ten times more boring. I mean your best friend makes everything more entertaining! I spent the majority of the weekend in Saint John doing my Student Ministry at Saint John First.

I will only say this once. EVERY guy out there has to watch the Band of Brothers mini-series. I just watched the last one last night with the boys. Incredible. I mean you can't go wrong with both Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg directing and producing. This series is gripping and you can't help but to fall in love with some of the characters. EVERY guy has to watch this. Frig! Said it twice...

Well I should probably stop typing seeing as how Massie is trying to have a nap. Well hopefully more to come soon this week...that is providing I get that 8 page paper that I have to do done...maybe I should start on that...

Friday, January 27, 2006

Rob This One Is For You

I am slowing discovering a new browser known as Flock. You need to check it out it's got some great features...

Done & Done

Finally it's the weekend. No more classes or chapel services and practices!! It's been a very busy week so far and I can't wait to get to kick back and relax. In fact I am so tired I am not going to post anything to deep, well that's not true. Here is my contribution to the start of your weekend...gotta love Chuck Norris.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Thank-You Sir may I Have Another...

Service during the week that is. Along with practices before and after which in total eat up 5 hours of my day. See you sometime in February.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Beam Me Down Kidney...

Wanna know more? See this week's Random Link.

This well I am going to start a new addition to Think-Pad called, "Let's give them a hand." This week's winner of a round of applause is Gillette. Why you ask? Because they created Fusion, no not
a nuclear reaction, the monstrosity that you see on the left there.

That my friends is the new Gillette Fusion, a 5 blade shaving system, no I didn't stutter I said FIVE BLADES. Oh and it's battery powered too just like the M3 power. Does anybody think that this is maybe a bit of overkill? I mean they did step right over the whole 4 blade shaving system. Just no need.

I tell you what I think. I think that Gillette is trying to take over the world. It's a huge conspiracy. I mean why else would they put so many friggin' blades on a razor? I tell you why, because they are expecting numerous people (men) to slit their throats with their product. And if that doesn't work, they'll get you with the battery. Come on Gillette, a battery by water? I for one will not fall for the oldest trick in the book. So start spreading the awareness or you too could be found in a pool of blood when all you wanted to do was trim your sideburns.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cursed By The Computer gods...and The Hamburglar

It is true. Last night I had stellar internet, now a little bit faster then dial-up. I agree with your comment on the last post Matt, wireless does suck here and I don't know why. Oh well at least it is good enough that I can post some things.

So I went with Paul to McDonald's after our last morning class today around 11 o'clock. We both learned some new things about McDonald's today. First we learned that they extended their breakfast hours which, correct us if we are wrong, used to end at 10:30am but they have now moved to 11am. All around that is not a bad thing cause their breakfast can be good. However the second thing that we discovered was kind of shocking. McDonald's doesn't know about lunch.

That's right. It sneaks up on them everyday and they fail to see the pattern of when the sun is directly overhead that people eat LUNCH. We pulled up to the drive-thru and there was a car infront of us when we over heard, "we're sorry but we're not ready for lunch yet." WHAT?!?! How can you not be ready for lunch yet? It happens every freaking day! I mean you know when you stop serving breakfast cause you set the hours Ronald. I mean do they have a 20 minute period where they just shut down and don't serve anything? I don't think so, there is no lull in business at McDonald's.

I think the thing that does it for me though is the fact that they are usually pretty strict with the end of breakfast and when it happens. Hey Ronnie, don't give me a hard time about being 1 minute late for breakfast if you are not prepared to serve me anything else.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Day I Fought the Internet...And I Eventually Won

What a day and a half it has been. I went from having ok internet to pretty much no internet and now I have the best internet that I have had all year. See I get internet off good ol' Brad Swink in Ingerhole and it worked fine up until yesterday when it's like it went to dial-up. And that my friends is very frustrating. Anywayz, I got it fixed and I am back and faster then ever.

Due to the first internet shortage of 2006 I was unable to update the Random Link of the Week as usual yesterday, however you can rest assured that it is updated now with a new and exciting link. I especially like this week's link. I'll give you a hint. The 80's.

The snow is back, that kinda sucks.

Well I will write more tonight when I get back in, but as for now I have a date with my girlfriend at the Green's house! Peace.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Time Goes By, So Slowly?

I think that Madonna has it all wrong in her new song actually. Time does not go by so slowly, infact more often then not it goes by way too fast. Yes I know that there are times that you want time to go by quickly, like when it is Friday afternoon and you're in a really boring class and you just want the weekend to be there. Or when you are having killer runny diarrhea, you want that to go by quickly too. However we all have times we wish that time would have gone by more slowly. Maybe some time our family, or more time with that special someone, or maybe even just more time for a lunch break. I think I may have stumbled upon the reason that time seems to go by so fast and here's why.

See it is all in how we view time, all in how we read it. We live in a world that is consumed by having everything quickly. That's mistake number one; a fast paced life. We don't take the time to enjoy the little things. Mistake number two; rounding up. Yes that's right, that little mathematical concept that you wish the government would exercise on your taxes is, infact, a time killer. When you look at the clock do you find yourself saying it is 4:30 when it is actually 4:21? Some of you may not even notice that you do it but in your head you see 7:45 as close to 8 o'clock. This is where you lose the time.

Take each minute as it comes and don't give it up before it happens.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I think I may head to the beach...

I mean why not? It is practically +10 degrees outside. That my friends is ridiculous, just plain ridiculous. I am sitting here at my desk with the window open! Although it's a great day to take pictures. I went out earlier this afternoon and snapped a few and I am going back out tonight with Diana to see if maybe I can get some more. Going to post the best ones later tonight on my Flickr so check back!

I'm going to share with you something that I though of while on the road on the way to Boston while at a gas station. Now if what I have heard is true, then in other countries they don't eat or shake hands with the hand that you wipe with. (Your butt that is.) We don't do that here in North America and maybe that is the problem with our governments & politicians. Any deals that they shake on or any sincere greetings that they give to foreign officials are only as good as their last wipe. Just think about it.

That's all I have got for now, but have a good weekend and come back soon ya hear!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Well I have to say that it hasn't really been winter here in New Brunswick yet. I mean yeah we have had some snow and a decent storm or two but it's been unbelievably warm out so far. I mean I am looking out my window and I see a field of grass surrounded by snow only left because it's piled together from where they plow. Maybe we won't have a winter. Maybe this whole Green House Effect thing isn't a government conspiracy to increase profits from sunscreen sales. Makes you wonder though huh? It's been so warm that I am changing the name of January to Januly (January + July). Catchy huh?

In other new I am just about finished my first week of class for my last (fingers crossed) semester here. It went by decently fast although not too fast and that's ok. I think I am going to want to enjoy my time here with people that I love and friends that I might not get to see again for a long time. My internship is coming up this summer and the details are being hammered out as we speak. Once things are made official I will share more but for now out of respect for the church I will keep it under wraps.

I'm doing a student ministry in Saint John this semester at Saint John First. I'll be leading worship and such so that should be fun and if you have trouble deciding what church to go to on Sunday (Bethany Students) come to Saint John (trust me), I mean there will be some weeks that I will just be it won't be that bad!

Well Blogger says that there is a scheduled outage coming up in about 5 minutes so I guess I should publish this thing before I lose it. Have a good one.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm telling you...

If Starbucks would just switch over to a normal sizing system this all could have been avoided.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Just for now...

New Random Link of the Week is up, check it out.

More Classes...

Here I am. At the start of what is hopefully the last semester I will spend at Bethany Bible College. Classes start tomorrow at 8am. Yuck.

In other news my girlfriend has updated her blog. You should check it out! Here.

Ok bed so I can get to class without being a zombie. Night all.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What the!

I just happened to glance at the back of the package of the straightening cream that I put in my hair this morning and this is what I read:

"Final Product Not Tested on Animals."

What the frig?!?! You'll test all other stages of the product on animals but not the final product?! That's not good enough. How do I know that the final product is safe for me?

(I hope to goodness you all know that this is a joke. I neither support or condone animal testing! But that is what it said on the package.)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Golden Boys!

One reason why I love this country!!

I might actually watch...

I have to say that I have never really cared about the Oscars. Really the Oscars have less to do with people outside the movie biz then they would want you to think. Why would I tune into a show that is made up of a bunch of over-paid actors tooting their own horns?

Well this year they actually have given me a reason to watch. Jon Stewart. That's right the host of the Daily Show will be MCing the event this year. It will be good because Jon will actually make fun of the people who win, but not with funny little jabs like Chris Rock or Billy Cyrstal did, but full out attacks on their character. This should be good...

And make sure that you watch the World Junior Hockey Gold Medal game tonight at 7pm. Canada vs. Russia and it will be a good one!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Going up?

This past week in Boston I had the privilege of staying at the beautiful Sheraton Hotel downtown. I have to say that it was the nicest hotel that I have ever stayed in but there was one problem, I was not the only one staying there. Along with all the regular guests there were all the kids who were at the Logos5 youth convention that I was working at.

Imagine 1800 teenagers just running around a hotel, trust me it got nuts at times and one of the biggest frustrations were the junior highers! For some reason they thought that the elevators were giant toys to be ridden up and down continuously. This made getting to your room quickly almost impossible as kids were constantly pressing all the buttons and then getting off or walking by the elevator on their floor and pressing the button for it to stop. You don't know how many times it would stop on a floor and no one would get on or off. Freakin' kids.

One thing that came out of the extra time that I had in the elevator was observing how people act in one. I have to say that after a week of watching people, an elevator is one of the most socially awkward places that one could be. People don't really talk to each other let alone look at each other. And I have yet to be on an elevator that has music. I don't know where this urban legend came from but from my experience elevator music is a huge myth. It doesn't exist.

More stories from Boston to come, I mean I don't want to use them all on you the first day! Till tomorrow.

More at 11....

This is going to be short because it's late but I am back from Boston! Diana and I made it back yesterday in time to spend New Year's Eve with family and friends. We had a blast and I think that Boson is probably one of our favorite cities ever.

To answer your question Rob I did get the Nikon D50. I bought it down in Boston though so it is only about 3 days old. Still figuring out all the settings that it has and such but it is an amazing camera that take beautiful pictures, and they'll be even better once I figure out what I am doing!

I'm going to write more about the trip tomorrow hopefully so check back often cause I have a lot to talk about. For now you can check out some of the pics that I took while down there, they're posted on my Flickr account. Oh and as if I would miss a week, the new Random Link is up and ready to keep you entertained so enjoy.

See you tomorrow, of and Massie I will be posting videos more too, just for you!

Empty seats at Fenway Park.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Picture of the Month

Jon and Diana Picture for December (Downtown Boston)