Monday, December 13, 2004

A Very Honorable Marine, Very Stupid Doctor

I hope that you take time to click the link above and read my Stupid Story of the Week. However if you don't want to take the time to go there, i.e. you have dial up, let me sum it up for ya.

There was a Marine in Iraq who had the misfortune of needing to have his finger amputated. But the doctors gave him an option, "we can save some of your finger but that would mean that we would have to cut off your wedding band." Ok so for me at least I would be like, "go to it and get that thing off of there!" Thinking that maybe my wife would understand. But this guy went a step above and beyond. He had his finger cut off. Now I know all you romantic types are all like "awwww....." However this next thing I am about to tell you, is one reason I would have bought myself a new ring later. The freakin' doctors lost the ring! So the guy lost both! I feel for the guy, but I give him a salute for his intent. So next time just give them the ring instead of the finger.

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