Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wake Up Call

I come to my keyboard out of utter disgust tonight. I am filled with thoughts of anger, shock and sorrow. I am sure that you guys have been watching the news lately and all know about the tsunami that has killed upwards of 100,000 people in Asia. We have witnessed the second great event that is going to shape our century. Although it does come from a natural cause, this disaster pales no less then that of the attacks of 9/11 in New York. However both situations have been handled very differently.

After the attacks of September 11th the United States made it clear that terrorism will not be tolerated. This is a good thing. However I shudder when I stop to think of the money being spent everyday for this war to happen. All the lives of soldiers that are being lost on top of those who died in the initial attacks. It is estimated that by the time the war is over, if it ever ends, that it will cost upwards of 200-250 Billion dollars. Let me give you another little tidbit of information. The inauguration party of the newly re-elected President Bush is going to cost the American tax payers somewhere in the ball-park of 40 Million dollars, yes that's right I said 40 Million.

What's the big deal you ask? Well let me tell you. The United States has agreed to send 35 Million dollars in aid to help those affected by this natural catastrophe. Now I don't know about you but if I can do math right, that is 5 million less then that of what is being spent on a party. A party to tell us something that we already know, that Bush will be President again. Something seem wrong here? Oh yeah, in one day last year, Dick Cheney made 35 million for selling some stock options that he held in a company. And that is all that the US is sending in aid. Canada is not much better in only sending 40 million dollars in aid. However when you think of the population ratio, 30 to 1, it makes the 1.30$ a person in Canada seem like a huge amount over that of the 11 cents of every person in the US. President Bush made his first address concerning the disaster that happened on Sunday today, Wednesday. He was faced with questions and comments that the money was "too little too late." His re-buttle to that comment was that, "the person who made that statement is ill-informed." Ill-informed? Are you kidding me? Mr. President, with all due respect maybe you should read your paper a little closer. 100,000 people are dead, and that number is expected to double due to disease if help does not arrive soon. Maybe Mr. Bush is the one who is ill-informed. Or maybe it is the public who are the ones who are in the dark. In the dark about these facts that the government doesn't want you to hear because it might make them look bad. Watch the news and stay informed!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Look in the sky...

it's a bird, it's's an asteroid? Ok not exactly the last minute Christmas gift that everyone was hoping to get from NASA. (click title of blog) Turns out that the world has the odds of 300-1 in being hit by an asteroid they found in the year 2029. Thanks NASA shouldn't you be tracking Santa this time of year and not ruining the season with news of great impending doom?

Now I think everyone should take a minute and settle down their children and let them know that this will not interfere with Santa's deliveries this year. Infact maybe we can ask Santa for help. From this year on when we write letters to Santa telling him what we would like for Christmas, we should ask him for a Nuclear defense mechanism against such a threat. Hmm..or maybe better yet we should get our governments to write letters to Santa to maybe take his reindeer and divert the giant earth-shattering rock somehow...wait, the only downfall of that plan is that our government officials are all on the naughty list...ok scratch that.

Maybe what we need to do is just forget about it for oh I don't know...20 years? I mean the thing is so far away. Did NASA really think that it would do the general public any good to release this news? 24 years in advance? I mean what should we do start building shelters? Stock pile food? For all I know it's another gimmick by the government, like the "Millennium Bug", to boost the economy. Frig that! I would suggest that you just focus on the task at hand, Christmas!

So tonight, or 20 years from now, when you are outside or with your children and you look up in the sky and see a big red flaming mass headed toward earth. Just remember, it's Santa Claus coming to deliver gifts to everyone in the world. Or at least that's what I'll tell myself after taking my Prozac. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Finally!! HOCKEY!!!

Well I think I can speak for most of the males in our great country of Canada when I say it is good to have hockey back!! Well of course it's not the NHL and that is still sad, but what is not so sad is that these Junior players put forth a lot of effort and they are really fun to watch. I just finished watching Canada play their second exhibition game tonight against the Swiss, they should stick to making Chocolate. We beat them 5-0 and it should have been a lot worse.

Another joy of watching the World Juniors is the simple fact that you get to watch the future of the game, Sydney Crosby, take the ice and basically put on a clinic for all to see. This kid is amazing to watch. He's freaking 17, making him the youngest player ever to score for Canada in international play when he scored our first goal against Finland on Monday in a 6-0 victory.

So we went 2-0 in exhibition, with 6 periods of shut out hockey, 11 goals in 2 you get to watch Sydney play. Why wouldn't you watch the World Juniors when they start Christmas day? I know that Brewer and I will be! I don't think even a new X-Box would keep my from watching because I AM CANADIAN! And we will win! Click the title for the schedule!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Despite What We Talked About...

Ok so despite what we talked about on Brewer's blog the other day, I have found a song that is a must download!! It is a song called Numa Numa by a band called O-zone. It is one of the most unbelievable songs that I have ever heard or seen! If you click on the title of this post it will take you and to a video of a guy dancing to this song! Freakin' hilarious!

Second I am sorry for the lack of posts in the last couple of days. I am finally home for the holidays and should be posting regularly from now until my return to school where I will take extra time blogging all to avoid school work. I think that is fair. Peace till later,

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Freakin' Unbelievable!

This has just gotten plainly out of hand. I mean who eats pizza and plays video game for a week straight? Only to leave the room when beckoned by a beautiful lady or when an exam comes about?

Well I will tell you who, me and four of my bestest friends that's who!! I have been so lazy this week. I go outside so infrequently that I feel like I am staring into the sun straight on it is so bright. Probably not a good thing. I am probably going to end up from suffering from melanoma or something although that could be liver failure for all I know. However I do know that it has been on of the best weeks of the semester due to the fact that I do nothing but eat, sleep and hangout with the guys. (No offence Kate!) Every once in a while we talk about something meaningful but for the most part we play Rise of Nations (Copyright Microsoft they own everything!) and search the net for videos of dumb people doing stupid things. Definitely makes us feel better about ourselves and the fact that we have something that resembles the computer room at NASA to play our game on. We ARE THE UBER NERDS.

I am really thinking hard about getting an actual website. No offence to you bloggers out there our sites are legit, but I want my own. You know like or so junk like that? What do you think? Leave me some feedback and maybe even some possible site-names and addresses that you think I should use. Man I am a geek. Outtie 5000,

Monday, December 13, 2004

A Very Honorable Marine, Very Stupid Doctor

I hope that you take time to click the link above and read my Stupid Story of the Week. However if you don't want to take the time to go there, i.e. you have dial up, let me sum it up for ya.

There was a Marine in Iraq who had the misfortune of needing to have his finger amputated. But the doctors gave him an option, "we can save some of your finger but that would mean that we would have to cut off your wedding band." Ok so for me at least I would be like, "go to it and get that thing off of there!" Thinking that maybe my wife would understand. But this guy went a step above and beyond. He had his finger cut off. Now I know all you romantic types are all like "awwww....." However this next thing I am about to tell you, is one reason I would have bought myself a new ring later. The freakin' doctors lost the ring! So the guy lost both! I feel for the guy, but I give him a salute for his intent. So next time just give them the ring instead of the finger.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


I guess the only thing that I really have to say/ask today is, why is this "flower" such a big deal at Christmas? Ok sure it's green and red, the Christmas colors, but other then that I think it's dumb. First off it looks like a freakin' weed, and usually it is just dressed up in it's pot with some shiny wrapping paper. Second, I was just informed that there is some kind of story behind it. Apparently something to do with Mexico. So let me get this straight, our countries will take their freakin' weeds every Christmas, but we won't take anyone who wants to come live here. I don't get that. And third they are poisonous! So whoever thought of this brilliant idea said to themselves, hey I should put this but ugly flower, from a country that we only use for a vacation spot on my coffee table so my dog can eat it and die.

I don't know about you but I think that is really, really dumb. Instead of giving someone a weed, why not give them some cookies. Cookies are good. Everyone likes cookies and if Fido happens to get a hold of them they won't KILL him. So please I beg you GIVE COOKIES!!!

Friday, December 10, 2004

It's about freakin' time!!!

First off, I'd like to say that it may seem like this may be the start of an "Anti-American" blog. I assure you that is not the case. I am very fond of our friends from the south. I just think it's about time that the politicians started getting asked the hard questions, you know the type that aren't scripted, ones that they don't know are going to be asked. I know the concept of being knowledgable may be new to some of them but I don't think it's too late for them to learn it.

Don't know what I am talking about? Well yesterday Donald Rumsfeld, the American Secretary of Defense, (shouldn't that be administrative assistant now?), was in Kuwait to have a question and answer time with the troops preparing to go to Iraq. Long story short, a journalist who was prevented from asking questions to Rumsfeld earlier that week in Washington, showed up in Iraq and planted questions with-in the troops. These questions were ones to which Rumsfeld was obviously taken surprise by. If you click on the title of this Blog it will take you to the CNN article.

I don't know why, but I find this story enjoyable. Is that wrong? Is it bad that I want to see these politicians sweat? And not only those of the good ol' USA, but those here in Canada too. Incase you weren't aware, also yesterday the legislation to allow gay and lesbian marriages was passed by the Canadian Supreme Court. Now two of the judges that were recently appointed were done so by Mr. Paul Martin (Canadian Prime Minister) and so this ruling is at best questionable. But when was the last time Mr. Martin was faced with pressing questions regarding this issue? I don't know but I wouldn't mind if that journalist came up here and did the same thing he did to Rumsfeld. It's time the people start to get let in on what's going on in our countries rather then just taking what the media and politicians want to tell us.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Can I Get an Amen?

So I realized that I am not the only person who thinks this NHL lockout thing is the most ridiculous thing in the world. Cause it is and I think that every true Canadian agrees with me! Perhaps the thing that puts the professionals even to more shame is perhaps the future of hockey himself, Sydney Crosby. So this kid is like 17 or something, gets offered a contract that is just ridiculous for the minors...a couple of million for like 3 years or something. Wanna know his reason? Cause he wants to win a Memorial Cup with the team he's with now! Maybe the players that get air time on TV and other endorsements could take a page out of his book, and realize one major thing....YOU ARE PLAYING HOCKEY FOR A LIVING!! Holy crap. Can I get an amen?

Well I am highly doubtful that there will be a resolution this year to salvage any kind of a season, which sucks cause that means no playoff pool! Oh what to do? Maybe I'll enjoy some casual curling, snowshoeing, or maybe even cross-country skiing...oh and I'll combine it with shooting a high powered riffle! (What kind of freakin' people in Switzerland invent these sports? I doubt if you went over there that you would find any Alp Snipers on the hills!) No maybe I will take time to watch the World Juniors, you know kids that play hockey for hockey's sake. So long Sundin, hello Sydney!!

This One's for all my Peeps!


So I'm back in the game...Definitely a cheesy line. Back on-line adding to the already huge amounts of worthless things on the web. But you know what? That's ok, there's always room for more garbage in the landfill of life. Why Blog you say? Why not? Actually I was re-inspired by a colleague of mine, Dr. Mark Brewer. (his Doctorate is honorary & check out his blog, ) And so this one goes out to him, Brew you are part of my crew, maybe sometime we can eat some stew on the Rivere de Lui. Ok so I won't be getting hired to write greeting cards anytime soon, but at least I still have good ol' Bloggy to turn to when I want to subject the rest of the world to my non-sense!