Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This is Incredible!

I can't believe this show didn't get picked up! Oh new Random Link is all set to go too!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Picture of the Month

Jon and Diana Picture for February

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Witch Project is Up!!

Watch it. Click the title to go see the Witch Project!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So today I was getting my laundry, which I had been doing then night before, out of the laundry room in TP and had a little accident. As I was carrying my basket up the stairs my thumb proceeded to get caught one of the doors that I was trying to open to get back to my room. Holding my tongue so I wouldn't swear, I hurried back to my room and checked out the damage. This is what I found. Mind you I cleaned it up a little bit, but it still hurts non-the-less.

My computer is done being formatted and it is going to be the last time that I do it until I get a new computer, I've decided. So whether it's a Trojan Horse or Spyware, nothing is making me reformat my computer. I think I would rather throw it off the back deck of TP before I do that again. (if I do end up throwing it I will be charging $5 to people who want to witness the destruction of an HP.

Monday Monday!

Ok so it's early Tuesday morning but this still counts as Monday for me, and since it's Monday that means you need to check out the new random link of the week! Go there now!

So I took advantage of the gigantic monopoly machine know as Google today and used their Google Video tool to upload a video for your viewing pleasure. It's a film project that Paul, John Sherwood and I did last semester for a class. It's about witches and involves bobble-head dolls. Check that out too! (Once Google verifies that it's not porn and sends me the link for you to go to ;)

Today was the board banquet and I have to say it's always fun when the board comes to BBC! Ok well it's at least a way to make money. I managed to snap so decent pics today and yesterday so you should check those out too. The one of the chipmunk is my personal favorite.

Incase you were wondering Tom took the weekend of from the Peanut Oil challenge, however you should be supplied with fresh updates about that as soon as tomorrow.

This week I'm taking a poll. The question I would like you to answer is this: "What is the hardest job in ministry and why?" (ie. Youth, music, senior pastor...)

Ok I think I am going to go and reformat my computer. See you tomorrow, peace.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Day 4

Yep today is day four in the peanut oil experiment. Sorry we missed yesterday but I had a hard time tracking down Tom. Here are today's shots along with a sneak peak of what the process involves. I think I can definitely make out some progress in this. This could be working!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

No Hair? No Problem!!

That's right, Tom and Uncle Jon have the solution for you...peanut oil! Yep, peanut oil. Smear it where ever you want hair to grow and we guarantee results in about a week. (Not yet been tested and guarantee not valid in North America.)

Ok, so we're in the process of testing the theory of peanut oil promoting hair growth. Tom has generously volunteered to allow me to document his journey for the ultimate sideburns. So keep checking back this week to see daily updates and results!

The process involves Tom applying peanut butter to the desired area for his sideburns once a day after shaving.

Day 1

Day 2

Monday, March 13, 2006

Break's Over and I'm Back!

Whoa talk about a break from bloging! Sorry to my two faithful readers for my lack of updates but last week was March Break and so I did absolutely nothing. Ok so that's not true, I didn't do anything that would be considered productive. However before I get into any details of my adventures over break I would just like all of you to know that the new Random Link is up and good to go for this week!

So break...yeah it was definitely a good one. I spent the majority of it at Paul's with him and Rob. At the beginning of the week we were a little hard pressed for things to. We played some xBox and watched some Arrested Development (which still is one of the best shows ever made) and Rob and I went on a picture hunt in downtown Saint John, the results of which can be found on our respective Flickr sites. Then Paul introduced us to the World of Warcraft.

And we're hooked. This game is incredible. It's all played online with other people from all around the world, you fight and kill, pillage and kill some more. (What more do you need in a game?) We played that for about 80% of the week, the other 20% was spent eating sleeping and for potty breaks. All I have to say for that is Cochurm!!!! (Don't ask.)

After Saint John I proceeded to go home and spend some time with the family, which was really nice. I spent Saturday afternoon taking pictures with my dad around Freddy Beach, also featured on my Flickr, and that was good times. Unfortantly my mom worked most of the time I was home but I still got to see her and that was good.

That was my break. I didn't do any school work and I think I got fatter. Diana was gone for the break with Testify and I have to say that I missed her! And I am allowed to say that cause it's my blog. She comes back today and I can't wait!

So now that I am back at school and will be looking for things to distract me from my school work, bloging will once again become a priority! Check back later for more updates!

Seacrest out!

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Random Link

The new Random Link of the week is up and ready to go. It doesn't cover everything but it sure gives that illusion.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Who Was Oscar?

So I finally made it. I am at Paul's now and he and I are sitting around awaiting the arrival of Rob. He should be pulling in some time in the near future and not a moment too soon. Once he gets here it will give me and Paul some inspiration to do something other then sit in front of the television for a bit. And that will be a good thing considering the majority of channels are showing the Oscars tonight. Now it's not that I don't appreciate the actors and directors and the great moments of entertainment that they create, but the Oscars are freakin' boring. The only saving grace of this years awards is the fact that Jon Stewart is hosting and Will Ferrel made an appearance. Other then that the show is just a bunch of rich people tooting other rich peoples horns. Nuff said.

I posted a whole bunch of new pictures on my Flickr site tonight and hopefully I'll post a lot more this week while I have internet that doesn't kick me off every 2 minutes. Alright I'm going to keep this short and get back to doing nothing. I'll take a break from nothing again tomorrow to keep you up to date on things happening here in Saint John.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Da Family Eve

Sorry it's been a slow week on the ol' Think-Pad, and to be quite honest I have been very apathetic this week towards anything. Just spent most of my time wishing that March Break would hurry up and get here, I need this break bad.

Starting tomorrow I get to hang out with two fifths of Da Family. I'll be going to Saint John to live with Paul and Rob for half a week. It should be good times filled with X-Box, Settlers, computers and picture taking. Oh and there will definitely be some frequent posting here and hopefully some new features as I can sit around and frig with Photoshop.

Diana is away for the week with Testify. They're on their way to Michigan tomorrow as they are staying at McCracken's for the night tonight. Please keep them in their prayers as they will be driving late and the weather will more then likely be an issue at some point during their travels. And now a treat for not posting this week, another reason why you and I need a MAC.